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<br />Appendix A-5 <br />Security Information <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.37 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data which, if the Responsible Authority determines its disclosure <br />would be likely to substantially jeopardize the security of information, possessions, individuals or <br />property against theft, tampering, improper use, attempted escape, illegal disclosure, trespass, or <br />physical injury is classified as nonpublic data with regard to data not on individuals and as private <br />data with regard to data on individuals. This includes checking account numbers, crime prevention <br />block maps and lists of volunteers who participate in community crime prevention programs and <br />the volunteers’ home and mailing addresses, telephone numbers, e-mail or other digital addresses, <br />Internet communication services account information or similar account information, and global <br />positioning system locations. If the City denies a data request based on a determination that the <br />data are security information, upon request, the City must provide a short description explaining <br />the necessity for the classification. <br /> <br />Service Cooperative Claims Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.203 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Claims experience and all related information received from carriers <br />and claims administrators participating in a group health or dental plan, including any long-term <br />disability plan, offered through Minnesota service cooperatives to Minnesota political subdivisions <br />and survey information collected from employees and employers participating in these plans and <br />programs, except when the executive director of a Minnesota service cooperative determines that <br />release of the data will not be detrimental to the plan or program, are classified as nonpublic data <br />not on individuals. <br /> <br />Social Security Numbers <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.355 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Social Security numbers of individuals are private data on <br />individuals, except to the extent that access to the Social Security number is specifically authorized <br />by law. <br /> <br />Social Security Numbers on Mailings <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.355, subd. 3 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: The City may not mail, deliver, or cause to be mailed or delivered an <br />item that displays a Social Security number on the outside of the item or if it is visible without <br />opening the item. <br /> <br />Trade Secret Information <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.37 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, <br />method, technique or process: (1) that was supplied by the affected individual or organization; (2)