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<br />Appendix A-8 <br />Municipal Self-Insurer Claims <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.202, subd. 9(a), 471.617, subd. 5 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data about individual claims or total claims made by an individual <br />under a self-insured health benefit plan of a municipality are private. <br /> <br />Registered Voter Lists <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Confidential/Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.607, subd. 6; 201.091 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: The information contained in the master list of registered voters may <br />only be made available to public officials for purposes related to election administration, jury <br />selection, and in response to a law enforcement inquiry concerning a violation of or a failure to <br />comply with any criminal statute or state or local tax statute. <br /> <br />Security Service Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Nonpublic//Public <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.861, 13.37 and 13.82, subd. 2, 3 and 6. <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Data collected, created, or maintained by a security service for the <br />purpose of providing security services to the City that are similar to the data described as request <br />for service data and response or incident data in Minn. Stat. § 13.82, subd. 3 and 6 are public. If <br />personnel of a security service make a citizen’s arrest, then any security service data that are similar <br />to the data described as arrest data in Minn. Stat. § 13.82, subd. 2 are public. If a security service <br />participates in but does not make an arrest, it shall, upon request, provide data that identify the <br />arresting law enforcement agency. All other security service data are nonpublic. <br /> <br />Social Recreational Data <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. § 13.548 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: For individuals enrolling in recreational or other social programs: <br />name, address, telephone number, any other data that identifies the individual, and any data which <br />describes the health or medical condition of the individual, family relationships, living <br />arrangements, and opinions as to the emotional makeup or behavior of an individual are classified <br />as private. <br /> <br />Solid Waste Collector Customer Lists <br />CLASSIFICATION(S): Private/Nonpublic <br />GOVERNING STATUTE: Minn. Stat. §§ 13.7411, subd. 4 (d), 115A.93, subd. 5 <br />DESCRIPTION OF DATA: Customer lists provided to the City by solid waste collectors are <br />private data on individuals or nonpublic data with regard to data not on individuals. <br />