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PARKS AND RECREATION AND FORESTRY COMMISSION <br />7:00 P.M. | JUNE 27 ,2024 | MOUNDS VIEW CITY HALL <br />MEETING MINUTES <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER at 6:30 PM <br />ROLL CALL: Commissioners: Anderson, Arel, Lillemo, Lundberg, Palm, Mills, Wake Wiesner <br /> Staff: Peterson | Thomas | Szurek *to be absent <br />APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Motion to approve by Palm, 2nd by Mills. Motion Passed 5-0 <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 23, 2024: Motion to approve by Wake Wiesner, 2nd by Lundberg. Motion Passed 5-0 <br />PUBLIC INPUT <br />Citizens may speak to issues not on tonight’s agenda. Before speaking, please give your full name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes. No residents present. <br />STAFF REPORTS <br />Parks and Recreation - Andy: See attached report: Interviewing for an additional event host. Plan to improve carpet and paint Hodges Park building when not being used. Working on partnership <br /> with Arden Hills for programming. Fall Youth League registrations are open until end of July. NEW: Walk in the Park 8:30am on July 20th at Tony Schmidt Park in Arden Hills, and August <br /> 3rd at Silver View Park. Lillemo present at 6:36 PM <br />Public Works – Pete: See attached report: Lambert and Hillview Parks now have bag and waste receptacles as well as doors with latches at the off-leash dog areas in the hockey rink spaces. <br /> Lots of money going into the SplashPad for parts that are wearing out. Staff is trying to stay on top of it with next-day delivery whenever possible. Public Works has some regular parts <br /> on hand, but are learning about other parts that are wearing out more often so they can handle the maintenance more expeditiously. Staff is having to replace poop bags often. Suggestion <br /> to put up a mailbox on a post for people to donate their plethora of plastic bags. Also, promote the off-leash areas on Social Media. Need to work on drainage at home plate at Greenfield <br /> Park. <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />Community Garden – Resident Input: Timothy David Wood @ Sherwood Road is a Master Gardener. Planned space that is more about a community than a garden. What is a community? Shared space, <br /> common interest, social cohesion and cultural practices. Types: Allotment, Cooperative, Edible Garden (Fridley). Willing to provide classes and workshops. How can we move this forward <br /> to a Farmers’ Market? How many Master Gardeners are in MV? Tim knows of a few. <br /> Jennifer Hagen @ Groveland Road. Experience with natural plantings and pollinator plants. Suggests a possible location north of the ballfields. She and her children enjoy picking and <br /> snacking while checking out some gardens as an edible garden. <br /> Sovady Huston @ Woodlawn Drive. Experience in program management. Willing to look at the different types of Community Gardens and the pros and cons for each type as well as hybrid <br /> options. How do we set up the space to be flexible to changing needs of the community. Looking to the Commission for the “buy-in,” the space, and to spread the word. Consider the WSB <br /> Master Plan Committee’s desire to promote wellness in the community thought this option. <br /> Commission likes the idea of this being a grassroots effort and community members kickstarting the idea. Also need input from WSB Master Plan Committee. Build a foundation and then <br /> grow the program. Eagle Scout projects can include building raised garden beds. <br /> Pete Szurek spoke with Edgewood Middle School representatives and they have some space to possible partner with the City. It would be on district property with water and parking. This <br /> could be a good starting point because the infrastructure is there. City Staff would need to talk more to the District