Rate change0.0%0.0%0.0% 11.1%5.0%4.8%9.1%0.0%8.3%0.0%Quarterly residential service fee4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 5.25 5.50 6.00 6.00 6.50 6.50 Quarterly comm'l fee per acre21.09 21.09 21.09 21.09 23.41 24.58 25.75 28.09 28.09 30.43 30.43 Annual calc'd revenue (740-3740)103,917 104,207 104,182 105,894 117,660 123,543 129,426 141,192 141,192 152,958 152,958 Actual % increase0.3%0.0%1.6% 11.1%2020 2021 2022 2023 20242025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030Street Lighting Fund (740)Beginning Balance141,973 77,849 84,456 65,765 68,321 54,336 45,066 37,678 37,908 33,885 37,246 Revenues and Other Fund SourcesOperating Revenue106,679 104,225 100,778 111,375 118,214 124,340 130,230 141,990 141,990 153,760 153,760 Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources106,679 104,225 100,778 111,375 118,214 124,340 130,230 141,990 141,990 153,760 153,760 Expenditures and UsesOperating Expenses(107,903) (95,710) (115,961) (113,897) (128,890) (130,990) (134,920) (138,980) (143,150) (147,450) (151,880) Transfers out(2,940) (3,028) (3,119) (3,213) (3,309) (2,620) (2,698) (2,780) (2,863) (2,949) (3,038) Total Expenditures and Uses(110,843) (98,738) (119,080) (117,110) (132,199) (133,610) (137,618) (141,760) (146,013) (150,399) (154,918) Change in Fund Balance(4,164) 5,488 (18,302) (5,735) (13,985) (9,270) (7,388) 230 (4,023) 3,361 (1,158) Change in Assets/Liabilities(59,960) 1,119 (388) 8,291 - - - - - - - Ending Balance77,849 84,456 65,765 68,321 54,336 45,066 37,678 37,908 33,885 37,246 36,088 Working Capital GoalsExpenses (3 months)32,748 33,730 34,745 35,788 36,863 Capital Outlay (% of next 5 years)- - - - - Minimum Cash Balance32,748 33,730 34,745 35,788 36,863 CITY OF MOUNDS VIEWSTREET LIGHTING FUND (740)STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETSATTACHMENT B