Rate change7.7%7.1%6.7%6.3%17.6% 25.0% 12.0% 10.7%9.7%8.8%Quarterly residential service fee13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 20.00 25.00 28.00 31.00 34.00 37.00 Annual calc'd revenue (745-3730)340,809 368,302 394,308 428,853 455,656 536,066 670,083 750,493 830,903 911,312 991,722 Actual % increase8.1%7.1%8.8%6.3%2020 2021 2022 2023 20242025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030Surface Water Fund (745)Beginning Balance2,006,378 2,017,552 2,048,200 1,991,887 2,082,104 1,517,096 29,860 (492,009) (591,767) (776,261) (471,149) Revenues and Other Fund SourcesOperating Revenue378,456 360,193 300,967 529,645 464,969 539,070 673,080 753,490 833,900 914,310 994,720 Grants- - - - - 230,300 80,000 - 90,000 - 60,000 Transfers In- - - 37,500 - 469,000 - - - - 47,500 Total Revenues and Other Fund Sources378,456 360,193 300,967 567,145 464,969 1,238,370 753,080 753,490 923,900 914,310 1,102,220 Expenditures and UsesOperating Expenses(338,952) (254,353) (311,604) (338,010) (366,760) (460,640) (474,470) (488,700) (503,360) (518,460) (534,000) Capital Projects26,054 (14,456) - (141,671) (523,844) (2,206,540) (741,500) (305,000) (544,900) (30,000) (441,400) Transfers out(41,558) (41,815) (44,079) (42,351) (59,632) (58,426) (58,979) (59,548) (60,134) (60,738) (61,360) Total Expenditures and Uses(354,456) (310,624) (355,683) (522,032) (950,236) (2,725,606) (1,274,949) (853,248) (1,108,394) (609,198) (1,036,760) Change in Fund Balance24,000 49,569 (54,715) 45,113 (485,267) (1,487,236) (521,869) (99,758) (184,494) 305,112 65,460 Change in Assets/Liabilities(12,826) (18,921) (1,597) 45,103 (79,741) - - - - - - Ending Balance2,017,552 2,048,200 1,991,887 2,082,104 1,517,096 29,860 (492,009) (591,767) (776,261) (471,149) (405,689) Working Capital GoalsExpenses (3 months)120,635 124,255 127,983 131,820 135,773 Capital Outlay Net of Grants (% of next 5 years)717,457 529,463 412,100 319,246 525,950 Minimum Cash Balance838,092 653,718 540,083 451,066 661,723 CITY OF MOUNDS VIEWSURFACE WATER FUND (745)STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET ASSETSATTACHMENT C