Laserfiche WebLink 13Lower-Potency Hemp Edibles & Cannabis: Minnesota City Retailers <br />(C) Application. An application for a registration to sell approved products and medical <br />cannabinoid products must be made on a form provided by the city. The application must <br />contain the full name of the applicant and any true parties of interest, the applicant’s and <br />true parties’ residential and business addresses and telephone numbers, the name of <br />the business for which the registration is sought, and any additional information the city <br />deems necessary. Upon receipt of a completed application, the city will timely review the <br />application. If an application is incomplete, it will be returned to the applicant with notice <br />of the information necessary to make the application complete. <br />(D) Action. The city shall review the application for conformance with this Ordinance and all <br />applicable state and local laws and rules, including but not limited to compliance with local <br />zoning code, building code, and fire code. The city may approve or deny the application <br />for a registration, or it may delay action for a reasonable period of time to complete any <br />investigation of the application or the applicant deemed necessary. If the city approves <br />the application, the city will issue the registration to the applicant. If the city denies the <br />application, notice of the denial will be given to the applicant along with notice of the <br />applicant’s right to appeal the decision. <br />(E) Term. All registrations issued are valid for one calendar year from the date of issue. <br />(F) Revocation or suspension. Any registration issued may be suspended or revoked <br />following the procedure set forth in Section 12 (A) of this ordinance. <br />(G) Transfers. All registrations issued are valid only on the premises for which the registration <br />was issued and only for the person to whom the registration was issued. The transfer of <br />any registration to another location or person is prohibited. <br />(H) Display. All registrations must be posted and displayed at all times at the registered retail <br />establishment or medial cannabis combination business in plain view of the general public. <br />(I) Renewals. The renewal of a registration issued under this Ordinance will be handled in the <br />same manner as the original application. The request for a renewal must be made at least <br />30 days but no more than 60 days before the expiration of the current registration. <br />(J) Issuance is privilege and not a right. The issuance of a registration is a privilege and does <br />not entitle the registration holder to an automatic renewal of the registration. <br />September 2024