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CC MINUTES 10251988
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 10251988
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Last modified
7/30/2015 9:13:05 AM
Creation date
8/20/2014 7:06:45 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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1 Aye: <br />2 Nay: <br />3 <br />10 <br />Enrooth, Ranallo, Sundland, Makowske. <br />Marks. <br />Motion carried. <br />4 Following the vote, Councilmember Makowske reiterated the concern she <br />5 had previously expressed that the community not allow charitable <br />6 gambling to take the place of what she considered to be a moral <br />7 obligation to give directly to charitable causes rather than through <br />8 charitable gambling. <br />9 REPORTS <br />10 COUNCIL <br />11 Councilmember Makowske Reports Attendance at October Meeting of the <br />12 Ramsey County League of Local Governments <br />13 The Councilmember indicated a number of candidates for public office <br />14 from around the area had appeared at the meeting and, unfortunately, <br />15 those who appeared seemed to have adopted the same style of campaign as <br />16 is being waged in the federal senatorial and presidential races where <br />17 candidates have chosen to tear their opponents down rather than to <br />18 concentrate on their own good qualities. She said she had been <br />personally edified that campaigns in which she had been involved in the <br />eo past had been carried on in such a negative fashion, which she perceived <br />21 only tended to turn off the voters. <br />22 Because the candidates' presentations had taken up so much time, <br />23 Councilmember Makowske reported there had been no time left for a vote <br />24 on the various resolutions offered by the Legislative Committee which <br />25 had been deferred to the next RCLLG meeting. This left more time for <br />26 the other Councilmembers to study the information she had provided at <br />27 the last meeting and to give her direction on how she should vote on the <br />28 resolutions. <br />29 The Councilmember reported the RCLLG was going to give an award to the <br />30 agency the members perceived was doing the best job for their <br />31 communities she asked for suggestions for candidates for this award. <br />32 Historical Committee to Hold First Meeting Very Soon <br />33 Councilmember Makowske reported Ruth Harris would be joining her <br />34 committee. She also said she had recently met a man who had lived in <br />35 St. Anthony from 1921 to 1936 and had attended school at the Silver <br />36 Lake School, which was once located across 33rd from what is now the St. <br />37 Anthony Community Center. He had told the Councilmember he and about <br />38 twenty others who had attended the same school met every six months <br />19 and had what appeared could be a wealth of information related to the <br />i City's history which he was willing to share with the Committee. When <br />41 Mayor Sundland suggested Robert Davies who was in his 70's and had lived <br />
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