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W <br />Friday, and Saturday and wondered what would prevent other organizations <br />2 from applying to run their own operations Monday, Tuesday, and <br />3 Wednesday. She was told state law only allowed one license per location <br />4 and that the Sports Boosters, acting for the coalition, would hold the <br />5 only available City license. Mr. Kramer indicated that because of <br />6 their lack of experience in running this type of operation, the <br />7 coalition had decided to start conservatively at first but he was <br />8 certain the hours of operation would be expanded just as soon as it <br />9 became economically feasible to do so. The Sports Booster President <br />10 also assured her that the wording of the proposed resolution would be <br />11 amended to indicate that it was the Sports Booster Administrative Vice <br />12 President who would be serving, with representatives of the other two <br />13 organizations, in the coalition of the Charitable Gambling Committee. <br />14 Mayor Sundland requested a copy of the revised resolution be forwarded <br />15 to the City and suggested copies of the coalition minutes might also <br />16 be helpful. Councilmember Marks stated that he was very discouraged <br />17 that the organizations who were supporting pull tabs in St. Anthony had <br />18 done so because he perceived "any type of gambling, charitable or not, <br />19 was not in anybody's best interests". He said he believed "gambling <br />20 was wrong and the business of government should not be to encourage <br />21 people to do things which are wrong." The Councilmember indicated he <br />22 had personally opposed this project from the very start and would be <br />23 voting against anything associated with gambling or anything else which <br />24 he believed would be encouraging what he considers to be improper <br />activities for the City to be involved in. Councilmember Marks <br />z6 indicated he perceived the State of Minnesota had been to some degree <br />27 "held hostage to charitable gambling" in recent years because the <br />28 legislature had passed laws which made funding for deserving organiza- <br />29 tions like the Greater Minnesota Corporation dependent upon gambling. <br />30 He reiterated that he was "appalled" that organizations which he <br />31 considered to be "good operations" would be promoting such activities. <br />32 Council Action <br />33 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Sundland to direct staff and the City <br />34 Attorney to draw up an amendment to the Charitable Gambling Ordinance <br />35 which would allow charitable gambling in the two locations in the City <br />36 discussed during the October 25, 1988 Council meeting. <br />37 Voting on the motion: <br />38 Aye: Ranallo, Sundland, Enrooth, Makowske. <br />39 Nay: Marks. <br />40 Motion carried. <br />41 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Ranallo to authorize staff to prepare and <br />42 begin negotiating a lease with the charitable gambling coalition in <br />43 accordance with Council direction during the above meeting. <br />44 Voting on the motion: <br />