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2 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />2 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Ranallo to approve payment of $8,616.00 <br />3 to Crysteel Distributing, Inc. for the reversible plow which had been <br />4 approved by the Council August 23, 1988. <br />5 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />6 Motion by Makowske, seconded by Enrooth to approve payment of $3,240.00 <br />7 to Calgon Corporation for work accomplished through September 30, 1988, <br />8 on the temporary granular activated carbon system installed in the City <br />9 wells. <br />10 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />11 Motion by Makowske, seconded by Ranallo to approve payment of $1,202.02 <br />12 to Rieke Carroll Muller Associates, Inc. for engineering services during <br />13 September, 1988, on the above water treatment facility. <br />14 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />15 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Sundland to approve payment of <br />16 $26,082.04 to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission for sewer <br />17 services during October, 1988. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />19 REPORTS <br />20 PLANNING COMMISSION OCTOBER 18, 1988 MINUTES - COMMISSIONER BROWNELL <br />21 Council Approves Preliminary Plat for Evergreen Townhomes <br />22 Commission Recommendation <br />23 Commissioner Brownell reported the unanimous recommendation that the <br />24 Council approve the preliminary plat for the Evergreen Townhomes <br />25 project. The plat had been revised September 9th to include the <br />26 following changes from the original plat the developers had presented <br />27 when seeking Planning Commission and Council approval of rezoning <br />28 to an R-3 Townhouse classification April 19th and 26th. <br />29 *ten rather than eight buildings to accommodate the demand for end <br />30 units; <br />31 *repositioning of some of the buildings to accommodate those changes <br />32 and to provide the necessary 100 feet required for mortgage financing <br />33 between the structures and the railroad tracks; <br />"44 *extension of the private secondary street running along the Soo Line <br />Railroad tracks which would make negotiated access easements possible <br />.s6 for the undeveloped properties to the south. <br />