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3 <br />1 The Commission representative sent around the copy of the revised plat <br />2 the developers presented at the Commission hearing and pointed to the <br />3 second ponding area which they indicated the resiting of the buildings <br />4 allowed. The Commission's greatest concerns continued to be the <br />5 provision of a larger sideyard setback as well as vegetation screening <br />6 between Building $1 and the west property line and screening of the <br />7 railroad tracks from the project which the developers had assured would <br />8 be included in the Final Plat. <br />9 Proponents: <br />10 Vern Hoium, Evergreen President and Ursula Sheehy, Vice President and <br />11 marketing person. <br />12 When Ms. Sheehy indicated the marketing of the units was going very <br />13 well, Councilmember Ranallo told her that when the developers had moved <br />14 another building so close to the unit he had reserved, he had decided <br />15 not to purchase that residence. <br />16 Mr. Hoium told Councilmember Makowske the developers planned to use <br />17 as maintenance free siding as possible of aluminium or vinyl, on the <br />18 exteriors. The brick, if there's to be any, would only be decorative. <br />9 Councilmember Enrooth commented that he perceived the platting now <br />0 provided the type of project the Council had wanted in the first place. <br />21 Mayor Sundland agreed, saying he perceived that by extending the street <br />22 to the southern edge of their project, the developers were leaving open <br />23 the possibility of expanding the project into the undeveloped lots to <br />24 the south. <br />25 Staff Report: <br />26 A copy of the City Manager's October 10th memorandum to the Planning <br />27 Commission had been attached to other pieces of documentation which <br />28 had been provided the Commissioners in their October 19th agenda packet. <br />29 Mr. Soth suggested the Council plat approval state that final plat <br />30 approval would depend upon a signed Redevelopment Agreement. <br />31 Ms. VanderHeyden confirmed that there was no need to reference the <br />32 location description to St. Anthony and that the notation of Ramsey <br />33 County had been checked out as correct by the City Manager. <br />34 Council Action <br />35 Motion by Enrooth, seconded by Makowske to approve the revised Prelimi- <br />36 nary Plat dated September 9, 1988, for the 37 unit townhome project <br />37 proposed to be constructed by the Evergreen Development Corporation on <br />8 the parcel legally described as Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 4, Mounds View <br />.9 Acres, Ramsey County, MN and Block 2, Mounds View Acres, Ramsey County, <br />40 MN generally described as vacant parcel 4.85 acres in size, located east <br />