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CC MINUTES 06281988
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 06281988
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Last modified
7/30/2015 9:14:34 AM
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8/20/2014 7:09:34 AM
City Council
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Council Minutes
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12 <br />1 *staff would be making another progress assessment in Sept - <br />2 ember or October in accordance with the schedule established <br />3 during the retreat; <br />4 *the budget process would be the same for this year, but in <br />5 1989 the process would probably be started in the spring to <br />6 meet the August deadline the State Legislature had mandated <br />7 for that year. <br />8 Sale of Parkview to City Approved by 4 to 2 School Board Vote, June <br />9 20th <br />10 After the City had gotten the above go ahead for the transfer, Mr. <br />11 Childs reported staff had gotten a quote to do the required environ - <br />12 mental audit from the Bruce Leisch and Associates, the firm who are <br />13 also doing the background research in conjunction with the City's <br />14 water contamination lawsuit. The audit is necessary to ascertain <br />15 through a record and historical search and asbestos and underground <br />16 storage tank investigations that there are no major contamination <br />17 problems on the site which nullify the purchase. There are three <br />18 underground storage tanks which feed the boilers in the building now, <br />19 but these would probably have to come out anyway if the City replaces <br />20 the heating system and two of them are located in the building alcove <br />21 facing Silver Lake Road which the Police Department has proposed <br />22 covering up for a squad car parking area. <br />23 With an asbestos survey, which would cost between $1,200 and $3,000, <br />24 depending on the level which is required, Mr. Childs estimated it <br />25 would cost the City about $4,000 to get the audit done. He asked for <br />26 a formal authorization to proceed with the audit, indicating that, as <br />27 directed by Council resolution, the City would be proceeding with the <br />28 purchase unless the environmental audit uncovered problems of a <br />29 magnitude which would require further Council action. <br />30 Coanoil ACt] <br />31 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Makowske to authorize the City Manager <br />32 to retain Bruce Leisch and Associates to do the environmental audit <br />33 necessary as part of the City's acquisition of the Parkview facilit- <br />34 ies. <br />35 <br />36 Council Not Interested in Joining Constitutional Challenge to 1988 <br />37 Omnibus Tax Bill <br />38 The Association of Metropolitan Municipalities had sought input and <br />39 advice on the request from the Municipal Legislative Commission that <br />40 the AMM participate in a legal challenge to a portion of the above <br />41 legislation. The City Manager was directed to inform the AMM that <br />42 the City is not interested in being included in the lawsuit. <br />
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