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W <br />1 The Commission representative reported the Commissioners were in <br />2 agreement that making this a conditionally permitted use would give <br />3 the City more control over the activities carried on in this or <br />4 similar operations in the City in the future. Mr. Kuelbs was <br />5 accompanied by his son, Kevin Kuelbs, who is in business with his <br />6 father in Savage and both answered questions about the proposed <br />7 facility. <br />8 Kevin Kuelbs responded to Councilmember Makowske's concerns about <br />9 having a lot of motorcycles roaring around the new Kenzington. He <br />10 stated that most of their customers are previous Harley-Davidson <br />11 owners who are checking out the new models and he expected only an <br />12 average of three or four of these a day would want a test ride. He <br />13 said that the dealership owners don't push testing because they're <br />14 naturally leery about putting $10,000 or $12,000 investments out on <br />15 the highway without good cause. He also indicated that contrary to <br />16 what some people think, the average age of a Harley-Davidson owner <br />17 is 34. <br />18 Mr. Childs explained that the ordinance amendment had to be given two <br />19 more readings by the Council and during that time period, the <br />20 conditional use permit application could be presented to the Planning <br />21 Commission for their recommendations related to conditions under <br />22 which the Kuelbs' proposal could be approved. If the Commission <br />23 recommends approval, the Council can act on their recommendation at <br />24 the same meeting as they give the third reading and adopt the <br />25 ordinance. <br />26 Council Action <br />27 Motion by Marks, seconded by Enrooth to approve the first reading of <br />28 the ordinance amendment which adds "Motorcycle sales and accessories" <br />29 as a "conditionally permitted use" in a "C" General Commercial <br />30 District, in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning <br />31 Commission. <br />32 <br />ORDINANCE 1988-007 <br />33 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ZONING; <br />34 AMENDING ORDINANCE 1976-006 <br />35 Notion carried unanimously. <br />36 Change in Definition of "Shopping Center" Approved for Sign ordinance <br />