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9 <br />1 Mr. Soth proposed several more changes in wording to what the <br />2 Planning Commission had recommended the Council adopt which were <br />3 accepted in the following: <br />4 Council Action <br />5 Motion by Marks, seconded by Enrooth to approve the first reading of <br />6 Ordinance 1988-008 to change the definition of "Shopping Center" in <br />7 the 1973 Code of Ordinances to: <br />8 Shopping Center: any group of four or more retail stores <br />9 or service establishments on one or more contiguous tracts <br />10 of land in single ownership, comprising 18,000 or more <br />11 square feet of floor area with parking provided on the tract <br />12 or tracts of land for use in common by patrons. <br />13 ORDINANCE 1988-008 <br />14 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSES, PERMITS, AND <br />15 BUSINESS REGULATIONS, AMENDING SECTION 430:00 <br />16 OF THE 1973 CODE OF ORDINANCES <br />17 !lotion carried unanimously. <br />18 Councilmembers Cast First "Votes" on New Optiscan Voting Machines <br />19 The intricacies of the above equipment were demonstrated by Mr. Hamer <br />20 and Mrs. Johnson during the recess from 8:30 to 8:55 P.M. called by <br />21 the Mayor for that purpose. <br />22 COUNCIL REPORTS <br />23 Mavor Sundland Asked to Represent Minnesota in Russia <br />24 Sundland reported receiving an invitation from the Senate Majority <br />25 Leader, Roger Moe, to participate in the People to People Interna - <br />26 tional trip to Russia, September 19th. The Mayor said the only thing <br />27 holding him back from accepting was the $4,450.00 cost involved in <br />28 making the trip. However, his employer had shown some interest in <br />29 making up a part of the cost and Mr. Childs perceived there might be <br />30 some interest on the part of St. Anthony service organizations for <br />31 donating towards the trip which would generate such good publicity <br />32 for the City. Councilmember Ranallo indicated he could see where <br />33 there might be some justification for City expenditure to augment <br />34 these donations in view of the honor which would come to the City by <br />35 having its Mayor selected from all the other municipal officials to <br />36 represent Minnesota in this manner. <br />37 Mayor Sundland said he was also going to contact the Mayor of St. <br />38 Anthony's "Sister City", Salo, Finland, to see if she could meet him <br />39 in Helsinki during his one day layover in that city. <br />