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1 Mayor Sundland thanked the Police Chief for the Police Reserves report <br />2 which the Councilmembers had received prior to the meeting. The <br />3 Police Chief then left the meeting. <br />4 CITY MANAGER <br />5 The February 2nd Staff Meeting Notes were noted and ordered filed. <br />6 Fire Relief Association By -Law Changes Tabled <br />7 The Fire Relief Association had requested some changes in their By - <br />8 Laws. It was originally thought this could be done at this meeting, <br />9 but after consulting with City Attorney Soth, it was determined <br />10 Council action should be tabled until Mr. Soth reviewed the changes. <br />11 Council Action <br />12 Motion by Sundland, seconded by Enrooth <br />13 requested by the Fire Relief Association <br />14 by the City Attorney. <br />15 <br />to table action on the changes <br />to their By -Laws until review <br />Motion carried unanimousl <br />16 Council Meeting Date Changed <br />17 Because several Councilmembers and the City Manager will be out of <br />18 town on March 22nd, it was suggested to delay it a week. <br />19 Council Action <br />20 Motion by Makowske, seconded by Enrooth to reschedule the Council's <br />21 regular meeting for Tuesday, March 29, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. <br />22 Motion carried unanimously. <br />23 Purchase of New 33,000 G.V.W. Dump Truck Approved <br />24 Hennepin County had taken and awarded bids for 33,000 G.V.W. dump <br />25 trucks and awarded the bid to Lakeland Ford for $41,723.25. The <br />26 underbody plow, wing plow, and straight plow, will be purchased <br />27 separately. $57,000 had been budgeted and with the additional cost of <br />28 the plow and attachments appears the cost will come to about that <br />29 amount. <br />30 Council Action <br />31 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Makowske to purchase a 33,000 G.V.W. <br />32 dump truck from Lakeland Ford for $41,723.25, as recommended in the <br />33 Public Works Director's February 2, 1988 memo. <br />34 <br />7 <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />