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1 Purchase of Minolta EP 570Z Copier Approved <br />2 After in-house testing five different brands of copiers, staff <br />3 recommended the purchase of a new Minolta EP 570Z copier as proposed <br />4 by Copy Duplicating Products for $8,103.00. The 1988 budget for a <br />5 copier replacement was $7,000. Mr. Childs stated that $1,500 of the <br />6 total cost will come from the liquor operations budget for their use <br />7 of the machine. <br />8 Council Action <br />9 Motion by Ranallo, seconded by Enrooth to purchase a Minolta EP 570 <br />10 copier from Copy Duplicating Products for $8,103.00, with no more than <br />11 $7,000 coming from the Capital Equipment Fund. <br />12 Motion carried unanimously. <br />13 Water/Sewer Rates to Be Increased <br />14 The City Manager introduced two proposed Ordinances, 1988-003 and <br />15 1988-004, which would increase water and sewer rates. Mr. Childs <br />16 reiterated what was written in his February 5, 1988 memo that to stay <br />17 even water rates must be increased to at least $.75 per hundred cubic <br />18 feet. He stated that even at that rate, transfers would be needed due <br />19 to the water contamination litigation costs (which would be repaid if <br />20 and when the lawsuit against the Army is settled). Mr. Childs also <br />1 noted that higher rates (such as 80 or 90 cents) seemed to be in <br />22 communities which are established and lower rates (such as 30 to 40 <br />23 cents) are charged in newer, fast growing communities of those which <br />24 indirectly subsidize these operations through the General Fund. <br />25 Councilmembers Makowske and Ranallo felt the increase should be more, <br />26 to either 80 or 85 cents, due to the litigation costs and the costs of <br />27 water bought from Roseville. Councilmember Marks agreed with this <br />28 assessment, but Councilmember Enrooth felt that because the sewer <br />29 rate is proposed to be increased also, perhaps that raise would be too <br />30 much at one time. <br />31 Mr. Childs said the increase at 80 cents would mean about $2.00 on a <br />32 minimum utility bill but did not have figures for an average bill. <br />33 The Council's consensus was that the Ordinance should be changed from <br />34 a 75 cent increase to a 80 cent increase and the minimum bill would be <br />35 changed from $6.00 to $8.00 per quarter. <br />36 Council Action <br />37 Motion by Marks, seconded by Ranallo to approve the first reading of <br />38 Ordinance 1988-003 with charges to be $.80 per hundred cubic feet and <br />39 a minimum charge of $8.00 per quarter. <br />40 <br />111 <br />