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Voting on the motion; <br />Aye: Sundland, Haik, fiiedtke and Stauffer <br />Nay: Sauer <br />Motion carried. <br />Motion by Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Stauffer that <br />the two signs for both southbound and northbound Belden Drive be <br />stricken from the above motion because of the elevation of that <br />particular roadway. <br />Voting on the motion to strike: <br />Aye: Sauer and Stauffer <br />Nay: Haik, Miedtke and. Sundland <br />fiction not carried. <br />Motion by Councilman Sundland and <br />table action on the 8 additional <br />for further recommendations from <br />sultation with Mr. Hamer and the <br />of those signs. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />seconded by Councilman Haik to <br />signs listed in the Hamer memorandu;a <br />the City Manager following his con - <br />Police Department on the placement <br />Mr. Hamer°s recommendation for either closing the City's recycling <br />center or modifying its hours of operation because of problems with <br />vandalism and lack of supervision experienced by the Public Works <br />Department with the center were discussed with the Council feeling <br />the organizations who are now servicing the center should be given <br />an opportunity to offer some solution to these problems before clos- <br />ing the center. <br />Motion by Councilman Stauffer and seconded by concilman Haik to direc- <br />that the information regarding the problems with the recycling center <br />be forwarded to the supporting organizations of the center informing <br />them of the possibility of its closure and seeking from them an in- <br />dication that they do not feel this action should be taken as well <br />as their suggestions of ways of better controlling the program if it <br />is to be continued. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Fornell explained why his recommendations of October 13, 1975 <br />were that the sewer rates be revised to prevent a deficit in the fund <br />in the next few years. He felt such a deficit would occur because <br />of increased sewage treatment charges from the Metropolitan Waste <br />(7) <br />