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Control Commission. The Council favored taking steps to obtain <br />accurate sewage figures upon which a protest could be lodged with <br />the commission but acknowledged this action would probably not pre- <br />vent a deficit in the City's sewer fund in the near future. Por. <br />Fornell was to take random samplings of individual water usage and <br />provide other supporting data on which the Council could determine <br />what changes should be made in the sewer rate structure. <br />motion by Councilman Sauer and seconded by Councilman Haik to table <br />action on revising the City's sewer rates for further information <br />from staff. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />Por. Fornell°s listing of projects and amounts of funding for each <br />which will be received from the Community Development Plock Grant <br />Program was presented with the suggestion that the Council designate <br />committees or persons who will be responsible for the use of the fund <br />Motion by Councilman Stauffer and seconded by Councilman Sauer to <br />request the following make recommendations before January 25, 1977 <br />as to the use of funds which are available from the Block Grant <br />Program: <br />1. The Planning Board regarding planning for conmercial <br />areas. <br />2. Staff be responsible for the housing rehabilitation sur- <br />vey. <br />3. Golden Heirs to be contacted for recommendations re- <br />garding the senior citizens center January 25th. <br />4. The Community Services Advisory Committee make recom- <br />mendations regarding the lavatories and drinking <br />fountains with consultation with garden organizations <br />on the funds remaining to be used for beautification <br />including tree planting. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />The August Police Report was filed. <br />Councilman Stauffer reported on the annual moc{lny of Lhe AINA. <br />Motion by Councilman Stauffer and seconded. by Councilman Haik to <br />grant all licenses listed in tho oulohFr 26, 1976 Agenda. <br />Lotion -�=>-iad unanimously, <br />(8) <br />