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Mr. David M. Childs <br />• June 2, 1982 <br />Page 2 <br />Agency, Von Klug and Associates, Inc., relocation consultants and the <br />Minneapolis Housing and Redevelopment Authority. <br />Is the cost included in the fees as presented? <br />No. Fees, like the actual relocation costs, can in our judgment only <br />be appropriately determined when the definite acquisition and <br />relocation schedules have been determined. These fees, along with <br />the estimated relocation costs, are then incorporated into the <br />financial feasibility study and financed through the project financing <br />method, i.e., tax increment bonds. Such fees, however, we have <br />proposed would be billed at cost plus 5%. <br />(b) Who will be responsible for handling acquisition activities? <br />For the most part this will be coordinated by Mr. Lemley. The <br />various technical elements of the process will be either by sub- <br />contract or a staff attorney of Holmes do Graven. <br />Is the cost included in the fees as presented? <br />Yes, in terms of Mr. Lemley's time. The fees for sub -contract work <br />and condemnation, if necessary, are not included. <br />(c) Who will be responsible for handling appraisals? <br />Subcontracts <br />Structure and Property: ;..;;!e H. Nagell do Co., Inc. <br />7515 Wayzata Boulevard <br />Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426 <br />Contact: Lyle H. Nagell Sr., PA <br />A nine person staff of real estate appraisers annually preparing over <br />1,500 reports. Property appraised throughout the state of Minnesota <br />and 23 other states and Puerto Rico. The company has appraised <br />property for the state of Minnesota, housing and redevelopment <br />authorities, national mortgage corporations, banks and corporations. <br />Fixtures: Patchin Appraisals <br />4444 West 78th Street <br />Bloomington, Minnesota 55435 <br />Contact: Wayne Nelson <br />• The firm handles all aspects of real property valuation and the <br />valuation of fixtures. The firm has represented government agencies <br />