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• <br />• <br />Mr. David M. Childs <br />June 2, 1982 <br />Page 5 <br />of the parcel(s) bounded by Kenzie Terrace to the North, Wilson Street to <br />the East and Lowrey Avenue to the South. <br />(4) Please describe how the Tax Increment District will be formed. (Who will do <br />it and RPP. the Ongtq inniudod in vnur nnnnneol9 <br />With the May, 1981 redevelopment plan already adopted and tax increment <br />financing having been identified as Rn essential public financing mechanism, <br />the creation of the tax increment financing district is the final element of <br />the planning phase. According to state statute, the tax increment financing <br />district must be located in a project or empowering area. The procedure for <br />establishing the tax increment financing district is presented below. <br />1. Designation of the redevelopment empowering area and the tax <br />increment finance district. <br />2. Upon determination of the feasibility of individual projects, <br />preparation of the tax increment finance plan. <br />3. Review and approval of the plan by the HRA and city council and <br />submission of plan to the County and School District for review and <br />comment. <br />4. Adoption of the tax increment finance plan at a public hearing and <br />authorization by the city council for the city staff and/or HRA to <br />administer the implementation of projects in the revitalization area. <br />As a result of Phase III, the City will have established a tax increment <br />finance district and a finance plan in accordance with Minnesota sictrites, <br />Sections 273.71-78. This tax increment finance district wiprovide an <br />essential financing mechanism for redevelopment. Members of the firm will <br />attend any meetings at the request of the City of St. Anthony for the <br />purpose of presenting the contents of the plan and addressing concerns <br />expressed by those present at the meetings or hearings. <br />Mr. Hartman and Mr. Winter will be the primary contact person. The cost is <br />included in the proposal. <br />(5) Please describe how condemnation activities (if necessary) will be handled <br />and how costs are addressed. <br />- For properties authorized by the City for acquisition, appraisals and review <br />appraisals would be obtained. Based on these appraisals, a proposed offering <br />price would be recommended to the City. With approval of the offering <br />price by the City, .an offer on the City's behalf would be made to the <br />property owner in an attempt to get a negotiated purchase. If a negotiated <br />• purchase is not. possible, after City approval, the property owner would be <br />notified of the City's intention to proceed with condemnation. <br />