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1 however, he said -because there had always been someone <br /> 2 living in this unit and because this was. a -neighborhood <br /> 3 which- had residential as well as light industrial uses, <br /> 4 he would certainly have no -objections- to -having someone <br /> 5 . live on the second floor of this building; - <br /> 6 reported he stores his parents ' belongings in one of the <br /> 7 units and has experienced problems with .getting the care- <br /> 8 takers on the phone himself because "it is- impossible <br /> 9 for them to be on duty 24 hours a day. " ; <br /> 10 thought having another person or two around the premises <br /> 11 might make it easier for the tenants to contact the <br /> 12 operators of the facility. <br /> 13 Mr. Childs said Mr. Blanske spent a good deal of time in Arizona <br /> 14 and he certainly hadn' t known anything about his living in that <br /> 15 unit. The Manager said he couldn' t see where this could be <br /> 16 considered a "grandfathered" situation because the unit had been <br /> 17 designed for use as an office and not a dwelling. <br /> 18 Mr. Solie agreed that the unit had been so designed, but his firm <br /> 19 had assumed it could be continued to be used as " a living space <br /> 20 because that was what Mr. Blanske was using the. unit for when they . <br /> 21 bought the property. He said he thought Mr. Hamer had found out • <br /> 22 village Properties was renting the space when he had come to <br /> 23 inspect the. property when Mr. Cowan was there.- - <br /> 24 Chair Franzese said she perceived there had been no problems with <br /> 25 having someone live in the unit, but she perceived .there was a <br /> 26 conflict in land use and she wondered if the City would be es- <br /> 27 tablishing a precedent for such a conflict in other areas if they <br /> 28 allowed this particular use to remain in a light industrial zoned <br /> 29 property. She was concerned that the City would be getting <br /> 30 requests from property owners in the industrial-, park to rent out <br /> 31 unused portions of their buildings to persons who worked there. <br /> 32 She perceived the City might be getting into an area it might not <br /> 33 wish to get into at this time. <br /> 34 The following response was made to her statements: <br /> 35 Madden perceived this to be a different situation altogether <br /> 36 because the uses are already mixed in this particular <br /> 37 neighborhood. <br /> 38 ;Childs said he didn' t want to confuse the issue but wanted to <br /> 39 point out . that in many small towns and even along Central <br /> 40 .Avenue, it was regular practice to have living quarters <br /> 41 over stores and businesses ; <br /> 6 <br />