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.401 indicated no such provision had been made in St. .An- <br /> 2 thony' s -Ordinance because the .community grew from the <br /> 3 start as a residential suburb; <br /> 4 said some municipal ordinances are "cumulative"- to allow <br /> 5 any use which is permitted in a residential district to_ <br /> 6 be used. in a commercial zone and anything which is <br /> 7 allowed in a lower classification to be allowed in a <br /> g light industrial zoned area; <br /> 9 indicated St. Anthony' s is -generally considered to be an <br /> 10 "exclusive" Ordinance, which allows only one exclusive <br /> 11 use in each different zoning category, ..but is not com <br /> 12 pletely exclusive because it allows single family homes <br /> 13 or duplexes to be built in areas zoned for single family <br /> 14 homes and then imposes exclusive zoning for commercial <br /> 15 and light industrial;, <br /> 16 said he perceived no major problems had been created by <br /> 17 allowing such a mix as long as issues like parking, <br /> 18 access, and codes had been addressed; <br /> 19 said he wasn' t certain it would be wrong to allow an <br /> 20 unused 1 ,000 square feet of space in the back of aware- <br /> 21 house to be used for living space for someone who would <br /> X22 keep an eye on the property for the owner as long as <br /> X23 there was adequate parking and access and the space was <br /> 24 brought up to code for that purpose; <br /> 25 told Chair Franzese he perceived that whether that was a <br /> 26 good or. bad thing was a value judgment she would have to <br /> 27 make in terms of how she viewed her community and what <br /> L8 land uses she thought were right or wrong in different <br /> 29 zoning districts . <br /> 30 Werenicz indicated he personally perceived that because Mr . Solie <br /> 31 had reported having less vacancies in his property than <br /> 32 was the norm, there had been little hardship demonstrated <br /> 33 to justify a drastic step like changing the Zoning <br /> 34 Ordinance to improve that business . <br /> 35 when the Chair " said she perceived the Commission was being re <br /> 36 quested to change the Zoning Ordinance to provide a second resi- <br /> 37 dence for a caretaker and yet she wasn' t hearing that it wasn' t <br /> 38, really going to be for a caretaker , Mr. Solie told her that. :the <br /> 39 only purpose for remodeling the unit would be for use as a second <br /> 40 caretaker residence and that his firm would not be renting to the <br /> 41 general public now that they had .been made aware that doing so <br /> 42 would pose a problem for the Ordinance. <br /> 43 Commissioner Wingard commented that he understood the Commission <br /> 44 was only being asked to change the Ordinance to allow two rather <br /> 7 <br />