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CC PACKET 09221987
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CC PACKET 09221987
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12/30/2015 4:24:25 PM
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12/30/2015 4:24:01 PM
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CC PACKETS 1987-1989
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CC PACKET 09221987
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1 Norman- Pink had been in St Anthony-when the . licenses were limited <br /> 2, to 1.06 .because'.there were so many applications -for :arcades in every <br /> 3 vacant store, drug store, etc. and -the simplest. way to -control, , <br /> 4 - that was rather than to write an ordinance - defining. them . was to <br /> S limit the control -the arcades by licenses ; _ <br /> 6 said his firm had 1 , 500 square feet of empty space which could <br /> 7 take from 45 to 50 video games to fill up. and because there are <br /> 8 only . 34 licenses available, they need pool .tables; <br /> 9 indicated if the - City wanted to let them have more licenses , they <br /> 10 wouldn' t need the pool tables ; <br /> 11 reiterated that his company had hired the full time police officers <br /> 12 who-work , in their Village North and Maplewood establishments the <br /> 13 day their- arcades opened up and it wasn' t something the municipali <br /> 14 ties had made them do; <br /> 15 pointed out that the young people who have the mobility they have <br /> 16 nowadays are , going to go somewhere because the school system <br /> 17 doesn' t require -the amount of study they did when he was young; <br /> 18 said in reference to parental supervision, he said he 'd rather have <br /> 19 his own kids in an arcade where there is good supervision where he <br /> 20 would be able to go and would be able to take that child and pick <br /> •21 him or her up rather than have that child say "I 'm going out with <br /> 22 the kids and will be back at .10 o' clock. ".; <br /> 23 said his company expects to close the arcade Monday through . <br /> 24 Thursday at 9 : 30 P.M. or whatever time the shopping mall closes ; - <br /> 25 indicated his company had found it would be advantageous to .them <br /> 26 and also to the young people to give them a supervised place to be <br /> 27 up to 12 : 00 o'clock on Friday and Saturday nights ; <br /> 28 insisted they wouldn' t be looking for the crowd from the Apache . <br /> 29 wells bar and would like to have their mall door closed so the <br /> 30 only access from the bar to the arcade would be through the outside <br /> 31 door; <br /> 32 said they would have to decide whether it was practical dollar and <br /> 33 cents wise to hire an off-duty policeman and other type of outside <br /> 34 supervision and if not monetarily feasible to have someone on duty <br /> 35 three hours every Friday and. Saturday night, said would close <br /> 36 earlier on those nights ; <br /> 37 pointed out that in the bowling alley the arcade is inclose <br /> 38 proximity to the beer counter and beer can be brought any place in, <br /> 39 - that room no matter who it is next to; <br /> • <br /> 40 -stated he . believed it should be 'left to the parents to decide <br /> 41 whether their children are in the arcade after 9 : 00 at night; <br /> 17 <br />
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