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Air#M <br /> REGIO"TAINSR BOARD <br /> 270 Metro Square Building <br /> St, Paul.Minnesota 55101 <br /> 612/292-8789 <br /> The Regional Transit Board has scheduled the following meetings: <br /> Joint Meeting between the RTB and Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority - 4 <br /> p.m. Monday, Feb. 8, 316 Courthouse, St. Paul. The status of the Midway <br /> Cooridor- light rail transit planning analysis will be discussed. No action will <br /> be taken. <br /> Transportation Handicapped Advisory Committee, Subcommittee on Metro Mobility <br /> Safety - noon Tuesday, Feb. 9 at the RTB office. The subcommittee will <br /> discuss special transportation safety issues and report them to the full <br /> committee. <br /> Transportation Handicapped Advisory Committee - 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9 in <br /> Metropolitan Council Conference Room E. Discussion will include Metro Mobility <br /> trip reimbursement options, policy options on agency cost sharing and provider <br /> contract language; and certification policy and procedure. <br /> Committee of the Whole - 4 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11 in RTB offices back <br /> conference room. Discussion of the Metropolitan Transit Planning Report of the <br /> Legislative Audit Commission. <br /> Rideshare Advisory Committee - 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 23 at the RTB office. <br /> Committee members will discuss the issues and strategies for the rideshare <br /> evaluation of the metropolitan area. <br />