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METRO DIGEST <br /> 300 Metro Square Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 <br /> A monthly digest of the activities of the Metropolitan Council prepared for <br /> government officials and community leaders. For more information, call the <br /> Community Services Department at 291-6512. <br /> January 31, 1988 <br /> ■ RECENT COUNCIL ACTIONS■■M■■■MMMMM■■MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM■ <br /> The Metropolitan Council took the following bank protection rules consistent with statewide marketing and recycling drop-off center); and <br /> actions In January: . shoreland regulations,and establishing a policy Compost Concepts (large scale yard waste <br /> for the protection and future use of St.Anthony composting—EWnger Sanitation). The grants <br /> Transportation—The Council adopted the Falls. total $166,300. <br /> Report to the Legislature on the Coordination of <br /> LRT(Light Rail Transit)Planning for the Twin Cities The Council approved an amendment to the The Council renewed a certificate of need for the <br /> Area. The report, developed by the Council's White Bear Township Comprehensive Plan to Anoka Sanitary Landfill. The renewal provides <br /> Transportation Advisory Board, affirms that a change 19 acres of land planned for light in- Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc. a nine- <br /> regional LRT system can be effectively coor- dustrial use to allow for single family and month extension to begin an approximately one <br /> dinated under the existing mechanisms created townhouse development. million cubic and c <br /> by state law. The report calls for each regional Y apacity expansion at the land- <br /> fill. The firm requested the extension for three <br /> railroad authority planning to build LRT to The Council approved a MUSA land trade of 8.7 reasons:the process for an environmental review <br /> prepare a comprehensive LRT plan.When the acres in the City of Blaine. and remedial investigation/feasibility study is tak <br /> plan is completed the affected county should ing longer than anticipated;the present IandfiU <br /> amend its local comprehensive plan to ensure The Council approved FHA or VA subdivision ap- capacity was not exhausted late in 1987 as pro- <br /> coordination under the Land Planning Act.The plications from several cities to quality residen- jected; additional capacity is still needed, <br /> Council will review comprehensive plan amend- tial development sites for federal mortgage in- however,until Anoka County can complete a new <br /> ments or,in their absence,any plan prepared or surance.The developments include Lake Grace generation landfill and fully operate its refuse- <br /> any action taken by counties or regional rail View Second Addition in Chaska.Ridgewood Se- derived fuel plant. <br /> authorities regarding LRT, for consistency with cond Addition in Cottage Grove;Lakeridge Wood <br /> the Council's Transportation Policy Plan. During Estates in Maple Grove; Island View Park in The Council approved local recycling develop- <br /> thQ review,the Council will consult with affected Brooklyn Park; Hazeltine Shores in Chaska; ment grant requests,totalling$616,664,made by <br /> local units of government,the Regional Transit Sullivan Shores in Columbia Heights; and all the region's seven counties.The grants and <br /> Board(RTB)and the Metropolitan Transit Com- Highwood Estates in Maplewood. required matching funds can be used to pay for <br /> mission(MTC)to ensure coordination.The Coun- planning,developing and operating yard waste <br /> cil also recommended to the legislature that if Parks—The Council approved the master plan composting and recycling programs for commer- <br /> a public agency in the metropolitan area receives for Lake Byllesby Regional Park in the City of cial and residential generators of mixed <br /> regional,state,or federal funds for final engineer- Randolph and Randolph Township in southern municipal solid waste,and to award sub-grants <br /> ing,construction,or operation of an LRT facili- Dakota County.The park boundaries include 520 or contracts to municipalities and nonprof4 <br /> ty, the Council should be empowered by the acres of Ind and 1,490 acres of water.About 390 organizations for recycling and composting <br /> legislature to review and approve the county LRT acres of land are owned by the county,with ap- activities. <br /> proposals to ensure the funds are spent in ac- proximately 130 remaining to be acquired. <br /> cordance with regional policies, plans and Development costs are estimated at $4.04 The'Council said Dayton Development Company <br /> priorities. million; remaining acquisition costs, $500,000. is the eligible owner of 22.7 acres of property <br /> The Council concurred with the Transportation The Council authorized a$500,000 development d datlandfill site inoLa a Elmo,and authorized <br /> Advisory Board's concern over the lack of open grant to Ramsey County to reimburse the cost the execution of a contract for possible purchase <br /> public involvement in the environmental review of constructing a system-wide parks maintenance of the Dayton property. <br /> process for Runway 4/22 at Minneapolis/St.Paul facility in Maplewood. <br /> International Airport,and forwarded that concern The Council approved the Washington County <br /> to the Metropolitan Airports Commission. The Council accepted a draft report on a propos- landfill scoping environmental assessment <br /> ed boat launch parking lot in Mound. Locating worksheet for Site G in the Lake Elmo Park . <br /> Local Planning—The Council approved a com- 20 car-trailer parking spaces at the site is possi- Reserve.The Council said the draft environmen- <br /> prehensive plan amendment for the Shamrock ble, according to the report. The report will be tal impact statement should address the impact <br /> Development in Coon Rapids,allowing a net in- forwarded to several agencies and Mound for of the landfill on regional financial investments <br /> crease of 72,000 square feet of commercial/of- comments.The final report will incorporate the made to date in the park reserve,and it should <br /> five and a net reduction of 300 dwelling units. comments of the agencies, the Minnesota evaluate the possibility that the facility accept on- <br /> The amendment was requested to enable Legislature, and other interested parties. ly waste processing ash, not raw garbage <br /> .development of peripheral support areas to the <br /> proposed regional shopping center area adjacent Solid Waste•—The Council approved continued An environmental impact statement is no need- <br /> to Main Street. funding for a number of demonstration grant pro- ed before Reuter,Inc.can go ahead with plans <br /> jects in the Seven-County Metro Area.The pro- to double the processing capacity at its Eden <br /> The Council consented to Hennepin County's jects are experiments in solid waste reduction. Prairie waste processing plant, the Council <br /> variance request from the Environmental Quali- They include the St.Paul Neighborhood Energy decided.The Council asked, however, that the <br /> ty Board(EQB)rules to clear homes off the site Consortium(recycling in multi-unit housing);Col- Environmental Quality Board order a generic EIS <br /> of the South Minneapolis Transfer Station. umbia Heights(recycling in multi-unit housing); or comparable study to determine the long-term <br /> two projects by Super Cycle of St.Paul(recovery environmental effects of combustion of refuse. <br /> The Council recommended to the EQB several of corrugated cardboard from retail complexes derived fuel product and disposal of the resulting <br /> amendments to the Minneapolis Critical Area and an intermediate processing and marketing ash. <br /> Plan and Regulations, including making river- facility); Goodwill/Easter Seal (cooperative <br />