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-4- <br /> Plaisted said he wished he would have brought that colored picture <br /> said these letters which say Dairy Queen &n* this new <br /> type mansarc% roof (not sloping to degree of existing) <br /> roof comes from Dairy Queen. Only place you can buy <br /> it has sign as part of the roof . That ' s DQ ' s <br /> new roof and it says Dairy Queen right on it . N-;-'U <br /> painted on but they are individual letters and part <br /> of the roof. <br /> Franzese asked if same color and material <br /> Anderson No will be plastic standout , molded <br /> Wagner: similar to ones on the sketch ? <br /> Anderson Yes <br /> ., On that store Dairy Queen would like to see a logo <br /> south and <br /> on the east and north sides words Dairy Queen spelled <br /> out.�n the east, south,ctnd north sides . <br /> . which is in direct conflict with your ordinance <br /> Of cours4in a strip center where you only have one <br /> door to walk into you only have space for one sign, <br /> Sewing Machine has signs on front and side . <br /> Dairy QueeriSa little unique because traffic approaches <br /> from all sides . <br /> Hamer if a commercial store is facing two streets ,. streets, <br /> not parking lots) it can have a sign on each frontage <br /> Madden: supported the nstr.icti3n of pylon signs . <br /> ( i-Or <br /> -. said theCommission couldn ' t address the status <br /> of rotating sign which would not change as long <br /> as building is not altered morethan 70% <br /> suggested sit down wiht staff to see what his options <br /> are Perceived the Commission should just act on <br /> the free standing sign that evening . <br />