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-5- <br /> Hansen asked to state his opinion said: <br /> 1 . was opposed to pylon sign. Perceived the Commission had <br /> seen the first positive indication towards signage in the <br /> center in the two and half-three years he had been on the <br /> Commission and with Phase III coming that ' s going to take <br /> out the old shoppng center and.0 with what the owners are <br /> intending to do, would be opposed to granting any variances <br /> at this time until we see hots we come out . <br /> Madden said he likewise was opposed to tke, pylon sign even <br /> though he sympathized with the applicant who ' s sitting <br /> adjacent to afpylon sign which the ordinance permits and <br /> a sign for ashopping center which the Ordinance permits . <br /> ,Told applicants he could see where you people would wonder <br /> why everybody couldn 't have the same signage but the <br /> Ordinance doesn't allow it and I support the Ordinance <br /> and would be opposed to granting the variance. <br /> ., Made motion to deny hoping the uniform signage which is <br /> supposed to come is coming, we can best deal with that <br /> without any further variances in the shopping center. <br /> another sign with the <br /> said with the options of the rotating sign or/the Dairy <br /> Queen logo in lieu of or substituting for , whatever, <br /> thinks the best thing to do is to sit down with staff <br /> and see what can be worked out to present something to <br /> the Commission , <br /> P1aISTED SAID %E had colored pictures to show you . <br /> Hansen told him he wasn ' t alone Wefve had a number of people in <br /> that center and if you think you 're hard to identify , <br /> Bill Sch&nn and others who are buried back there have . <br /> the same problems , I see some very positive things coming - - <br /> Franzese Thinks that ' s the key to end on a positive note applauding <br /> you for your remodeling efforts and everything you are doing <br />