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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> February 13, 2001 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 1 Sparks inquired as to the details of the maintenance agreement. Hubmer explained that the <br /> 2 property owners are responsible for the general day-to-day maintenance, and the city would be <br /> 3 responsible for major repairs as outlined in the maintenance agreement. He added that the prairie <br /> 4 grass will be under a three year maintenance agreement, but it is essentially a maintenance-free <br /> 5 landscape. Sparks also asked about a complaint process to handle problems expeditiously. <br /> 6 Hubmer noted that a contact from the City of St. Anthony will need to be named to handle <br /> 7 complaints. <br /> 8 In response to an inquiry by Horst regarding the timing of using materials from Central Park for <br /> 9 this project, Hubmer noted that the timing has changed and this needs to be worked through with <br /> 10 the contractor by March 13. Horst asked how the cost will be affected to which Hubmer replied <br /> 11 that it will be very close to the same. Hubmer reviewed how the materials will be used and <br /> 12 stored by the contractor. Hubmer added that this could result in a significant cost savings for the <br /> 13 Central Park plan. <br /> 14 Cavanaugh requested that the City Manager and City Attorney draw up a document regarding the <br /> 15 maintenance agreement to be filed with the title of the properties so future property owners will <br /> 16 have access to their entitlements. <br /> �17' Thuesen noted his agreement for a document of this type, particularly for future use. Sparks <br /> 18 expressed her concern as to the details and timeliness of this document. <br /> 19 Cavanaugh received the consensus of the Council that the staff is directed to draw up the <br /> 20 appropriate documents and file them so they have continuity for the future. <br /> 21 Hodson inquired as to where these documents would be filed, and Gilligan stated this could be an <br /> 22 attachment to the condition of easement agreement itself. <br /> 23 Cavanaugh asked the staff to bring the document back to the City Council for approval. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Matt Storm, Evergreen Land Services, reviewed the easement which was accepted earlier tonight <br /> 26 for $30,500 at 2812 31St Avenue NE. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Motion by Thuesen to approve the drainage easement for 2812-315`Avenue NE. for $30,500. <br /> 29 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 30 Storm reported that three easements have been signed and recorded, one easement is ready to be <br /> 31 signed and recorded, one property owner has made a counter offer which will be considered. He <br /> 32 added that one property owner will be undergoing an operation and has requested to continue <br /> 33 negotiations after his recovery. Storm stated that this property owner has a temporary easement <br /> 34 for construction and the condemnation process was explained to him including that negotiations <br />