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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> February 13, 2001 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 can continue during the condemnation process to which he is agreeable. Storm continued that <br /> 2 three property owners.are represented by.the;same attorney and are in their own appraisal <br /> 3 process, and one property owner has submitted all the information to an attorney and Storm is <br /> 4 waiting for a response. In reply to an inquiry by Horst, Storm explained that the appraisal process <br /> 5 can be lengthy, but that the condemnation process can proceed simultaneously. <br /> 6 City Attorney Gilligan reviewed the process and timeline for the quick-take condemnation <br /> 7 action. Gilligan explained that the petitioner must notify the owner of the intent to take <br /> 8 possession by certified mail at least 90 days prior to the date.on which possession is to be taken. <br /> 9 He added that a response to the petition by property owners is due within 20 days of service. A <br /> 10 hearing is then set to appoint commissioners and rule on the Petitioner's request for a quick-take. <br /> 11 If the request for a quick-take is approved, the court will order the petitioner to deposit <br /> 12 petitioner's approved appraisal amount with the administrator of the court, and upon deposit, and <br /> 13 after the 90-day notice period, the property shall belong to the petitioner. <br /> 14 Cavanaugh offered the audience an opportunity to address the City Council to which there was <br /> 15 no response. <br /> 16 Motion by.Hodson to adopt Resolution 01-037; re: Acquiring Harding Street Ponding easements. <br /> .17 <br /> 18 Cavanaugh asked for any discussion to which Gilligan stated that regarding the six parcels for <br /> 19 which no easement has been obtained, the negotiation process will continue along with the <br /> 20 condemnation process. Gilligan urged any attorneys involved to proceed as timely as possible. <br /> 21 Sparks expressed her concern that she would like to see a more detailed maintenance agreement <br /> 22 prior to her vote, as she is not in agreement with this proposal. <br /> 23 Cavanaugh noted that he appreciates Sparks' position and directed the staff to give the <br /> 24 aforementioned document their priority. <br /> 25 Voting on the motion:. Cavanaugh, Thuesen, Horst and Hodson voted aye. <br /> 26 Sparks voted nay. <br /> 27 Motion carried. <br /> 28 IX. PUBLIC HEARINGS. <br /> 29 Mayor Cavanaugh noted that in early January all the residents impacted by the road improvement <br /> 30 have been sent assessment notices. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Mayor Cavanaugh opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. <br />