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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> February 13, 2001 <br /> Page 5 <br /> i Mornson explained that, as to the awarding of the construction bid, it will be tabled for 30 days. <br /> 2 Mornson added that the street assessment-bond sale will be deferred until March 13. <br /> 3 Todd Hubmer reviewed the street reconstruction, storm sewer, watermain, sanitary sewer, and <br /> 4 pond excavation and appurtenant work. Hubmer noted that the street reconstruction and <br /> 5 replacement of watermain and storm sewer lines will be done on Wilson Street from 29`h Avenue <br /> 6 to 30" Avenue, West Armour Terrace from Roosevelt Street to Silver Lake Road, and 30`h <br /> 7 Avenue from Wilson Street to Silver Lake Road. <br /> 8 Hubmer reviewed project costs and proposed funding sources. Hubmer explained that the City <br /> 9 assesses 35% of the street construction and utility rehabilitation and the remaining 65% is <br /> 10 handled by the City. Hubmer noted that the total amount proposed to be assessed is $305,535.21. <br /> 11 He pointed out that the Pond Construction is not assessed to the residents but is paid for by the <br /> 12 Minnesota DNR. Hubmer added that the total estimated cost of the project is $2,020,600. <br /> 13 Hubmer explained the amortization schedule for the pay-off of the assessment over a 15 year <br /> 14 period, if the interest rate of the bonds is at 6 '/z%. The payment can be made in cash in order to <br /> 15 avoid the interest with the payment being made by November 2001. <br /> 016 Mayor Cavanaugh invited any residents in the audience to speak to the Council. <br /> 17 Hubmer responded to questions from the audience including: interest rate which is established by <br /> 18 the rate the City gets on the bonds when they issue them for the project, estimated to be about"6 <br /> 19 ''/2%; the schedule of street reconstruction; cost comparison between the original street <br /> 20 reconstruction and the flooding-related street reconstruction of which the costs assessed are the <br /> 21 same; driveway replacement by residents which can be coordinated with the reconstruction and <br /> 22 paid for by the property owner; and payment schedule for the assessment. <br /> 23 Hubmer added that once the project is awarded and the bonds are sold, another neighborhood <br /> 24 meeting will be held at the end of April or beginning of May with the construction representative <br /> 25 where the schedule of the project and driveway replacement will be reviewed. <br /> 26 Cavanaugh added that this schedule was changed because of the Flood Mitigation Street work <br /> 27 and, once that is completed, the City will continue with the long term plan for street <br /> 28 reconstruction. <br /> 29 Mornson stated that in April a letter will be sent to property owners explaining the options for <br /> 30 payment and the interest rate based on the sale of the bonds. <br /> 31 Mayor Cavanaugh closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m. <br /> 32 A. 2001 Street Improvement Project: <br />