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21 <br /> Article I <br /> Legal Purpose <br /> The purpose of this Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the Mississippi Watershed Management <br /> Organization .is to replace the Joint Powers 'Agreement for the Middle Mississippi River Watershed <br /> Management Organization executed in 1985,and 'the Joint and Cooperative Agreement for the Middle <br /> Mississippi River Watershed Management Organization of January 1997. <br /> The purpose of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization, as provided for in this Agreement, <br /> is to provide for the wise, long-term management of water and associated land resources within the <br /> watershed through implementation measures, that realize multiple objectives, respect ecosystem <br /> principles, and cultural and historical community values. The Mississippi Watershed Management <br /> Organization seeks to: (a) protect, enhance, and restore the quality and quantity of surface and ground <br /> water resources within the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization jurisdiction; (b) protect, <br /> preserve, and use natural surface and ground water storage and retention systems; (c) efficiently utilize <br /> public capital expenditures needed to correct and control flooding and water quality problems; (d) identify <br /> and plan for means to use protect and improve surface and ground water quality; (e) establish more <br /> uniform local policies and official controls for surface and ground water management; (f) promote ground <br /> water recharge; (g) protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water recreation facilities; (h) secure <br /> the other benefits associated with the proper management of surface and ground water; and (i) promote <br /> and encourage cooperation among Members and among other organizations in coordinating local <br /> comprehensive water management programs. <br /> A legal description and map of the boundaries of the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization <br /> are included pursuant to Minnesota Rules 84010.0030, Subpart 1.B in Appendix A and C respectively of <br /> this Agreement. <br /> 3 <br />