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CC PACKET 03122002
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CC PACKET 03122002
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CC PACKET 03122002
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22 <br /> Article II <br /> Definitions <br /> For the purpose of this Agreement,the terms used herein shall have the meanings defined in this article. <br /> Subdivision 1:"Organization" is the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. <br /> Subdivision 2:"Commission" shall mean the governing body of the Organization and shall consist of a <br /> Commissioner or Alternate from each of its Members. <br /> Subdivision 3:"Commissioner" shall mean any person appointed to the Commission by each Members <br /> governing body, or in the Commissioner's absence,the Alternate. <br /> Subdivision 4: "Alternate" shall mean any person appointed to the Commission by each Member's <br /> governing body to represent the Member in the absence of the Commissioner. <br /> Subdivision 5: "Council" shall mean the governing body of a Member. In the case of municipalities, this <br /> shall be the elected officials responsible for governing the city and for Minneapolis Park & Recreation <br /> Board, its Board of Commissioners. <br /> Subdivision 6: "Member" or 'Member Community shall mean any city, county, or special purpose <br /> government entity within the watershed that enters into this Agreement. <br /> Subdivision 7: "Agreement" shall mean the "Joint and Cooperative Agreement adopted by the member <br /> councils creating and the establishing the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization. <br /> Subdivision 8: "Plan" shall mean the Watershed Management Plan adopted by the Mississippi Watershed <br /> Management Organization. <br /> Subdivision 9: "Watershed" means the area contained within a line drawn around the extremities of all <br /> terrain whose surface drainage is tributary to the Mississippi River and within the mapped areas <br /> reasonably demonstrated on the map identified as Appendix C, as defined within the legal description <br /> identified in App_endix A. <br /> 4 <br />
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