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23 <br /> Subdivision 10: "Act" is defined as the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act as found in ' <br /> Minnesota Statutes, Sections 103B.201 to 103B.251. <br /> Subdivision 11: `.`Operating Budget"refers to the administrative expenses incurred by the Organization. <br /> Subdivision 12: "Capital Improvement Project" shall mean a physical improvement project other than <br /> routine maintenance within the Watershed Management Organization boundaries. <br /> Subdivision 13: "Majority" shall be defined as greater than half of the quorum. <br /> Subdivision 14: "Subwatershed" a smaller geographic section of a larger watershed unit with a drainage <br /> area whose boundaries include all the land area draining to a point. <br /> Subdivision 15: "Year" shall mean from January 1 to December 31. <br /> Subdivision 16: "Quorum" shall mean the number of Commissioners or Alternates required to be present <br /> for business to be legally transacted. This number shall be any number which is greater than half of the <br /> Members. Any number less than a quorum may adjourn a scheduled meeting. <br /> 5 <br />