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26 <br /> Article IV <br /> Powers and Duties of the Board of Commissioners <br /> Subdivision 1: The Commission shall employ such persons, as it deems necessary to accomplish its duties <br /> and powers. The Commission may hire staff on a full time,part time or consulting basis. The Commission <br /> may also incur expenses and expenditures necessary and incidental to the effectuation and/or <br /> implementation of its purposes and powers. <br /> Subdivision 2: In order for the Commission to conduct business, a quorum must be present. Decisions by <br /> the Commission require a majority vote of the quorum present. <br /> Subdivision 3: The Commission shall have an established Citizen Advisory Committee and Technical <br /> Advisory Committee to provide input and to serve in an advisory role. <br /> Subdivision 4: The Commission shall review and approve a Local Water Management Plan for each of its <br /> Member Communities as established under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B. Approval of the plan shall <br /> require no more than a majority vote. <br /> Subdivision 5: The Commission may acquire, operate, construct, and maintain capital improvement <br /> projects delineated in the Watershed Management Organization Watershed Management Plan for the <br /> protection, enhancement, and improvement of the watershed. <br /> Subdivision 6: The Commission shall make a reasonable attempt to assess the compatibility of proposed <br /> capital improvement projects with other existing policies, programs, and projects within the MWMO and <br /> across its boundaries. In particular, compatibility with neighborhood association and community council <br /> plans in the project area should be considered. An informal review should occur at least two months <br /> before the capital improvement project proposal is approved in the MWMO budget. <br /> Subdivision 7: The Commission shall develop a comprehensive Watershed Management Organization <br /> Watershed Management Plan to meet the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103B. The plan <br /> shall establish comprehensive goals and policies for the protection, enhancement, and improvement of the <br /> watershed, and shall establish specific implementation strategies to realize these goals and policies. <br /> 8 <br />