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27 <br /> Subdivision 8: The Commission shall have the power to contract with any governmental unit, private or <br /> nonprofit association to accomplish the purposes for which it is organized. <br /> Subdivision 9: The Commission has the authority to apply for, accept, and use grants, loans, money or <br /> other property from the United States, the State of Minnesota, a unit of government or any person or <br /> entity for the Organization. The Organization may use and dispose of such money or property for any <br /> expenses/fees, policies, goals, capital improvement projects, or any use the Organization deems necessary <br /> to pursue its goals and policies. <br /> Subdivision 10: The Commission may establish and maintain devices for acquiring and recording <br /> hydrologic and water quality data within the watershed. <br /> Subdivision 11: The Commission may contract for, or purchase such insurance, as they deem necessary <br /> for the protection of the Commission. <br /> Subdivision 12: The Commission shall have the authority to invite governmental entities within the area <br /> of the watershed to join the Organization. Furthermore, any governmental entities within the area of the <br /> watershed may petition for membership in the Organization. The addition of new Members shall require a <br /> majority vote of the Commission and appropriate resolution by current Member Councils. The effective <br /> date shall be the date of filing by the last Council resolution approving the addition. As Members are <br /> added to the Organization, there shall be created one voting Commissioner. Furthermore, as each new <br /> Member is added,the cost shares of the operating budget(Article V, Subdivision 3)will be reassessed. <br /> Subdivision 13: The Commission has the authority to contract for the space, equipment, and supplies to <br /> carry on its activities either with an individual Member or elsewhere. <br /> Subdivision 14: The Commission may investigate on its own initiative or upon petition of any Member, <br /> complaints relating to the pollution of surface or ground water in the watershed. Upon a finding that the <br /> watershed is being polluted, the Commission may take appropriate action to alleviate the pollution <br /> including recommending enforcement and other regulatory actions to the appropriate jurisdiction. <br /> 9 <br />