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32 <br /> Commission meeting. All WMO capital improvement project proposals for subsequent fiscal year(s)must <br /> be submitted to WMO staff before May I"of the extant budget year. By the August Commission meeting <br /> within this extant budget year,presentation of this proposed capital budget will be submitted to the <br /> Commissioners. <br /> Subdivision 8: Funding for any and all capital improvement projects may only occur if the project(s)'is in <br /> the approved capital budget. <br /> Subdivision 9: Beginning with the year the Watershed Management Plan is adopted, the Commission <br /> shall submit,by June 1, a draft capital budget to the clerk of Member's Council for their review. The <br /> Council of each Member may review and comment on the budget. The Commission shall upon notice <br /> from any Member received prior to August 1,hear objections to the budget. Such notice shall be written <br /> to the Commission's Secretary and delivered by certified mail to their principal business address. The <br /> Commission, upon notice delivered by US Mail to all Members and after a hearing, may modify or amend <br /> the budget. The MMRWMO Commission shall hold a public hearing in accordance with Minnesota <br /> Statutes 103B and 103D on the proposed capital budget. On or before September 15 of each year, the <br /> Commissioners shall adopt a capital budget for the next year and decide on the total amount to be raised <br /> from ad valorem tax levies. By the September 15 of each year the budget shall be certified by the <br /> Secretary of the Commission to the County, Counties or the clerk or appropriate staff member of each <br /> Member's Council together with a statement of the proportion of the budget to be provided. <br /> Subdivision 10: If the Organization is responsible for the planning,design, acquisition,relocation,or <br /> construction of an approved capital project on behalf of a Member, each Member having a financial <br /> obligation therefore, shall also provide to the Organization the funds required by the budget from that <br /> member on or before February 1. <br /> If the Member is responsible for the completion of the capital project, the Organization's approved share <br /> of the project cost coming from its tax levy will be reimbursed to the member from actual tax revenues <br /> received in a manner agreed to. The Member being reimbursed for project costs by the Organization shall <br /> agree to be responsible for providing any requested documentation of costs requested by the Organization <br /> or its auditors. <br /> Subdivision 11: Projects will be funded in the watershed on the basis of potential merit to all the Members <br /> and according to the criteria established in the MWMO Watershed Management Plan. Annually a review <br /> 14 <br />