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33 <br /> shall take place showing how much each Member has contributed to the watershed levy and how MU, <br /> each Member has benefited from projects undertaken in their jurisdiction. Funds generated through the <br /> annual levy in the cities of St. Anthony, St. Paul, and Lauderdale,will be made available to that member <br /> community if capital improvement projects have been designated in the MWMO Watershed Management ` <br /> Plan and approved in the MWMO capital budget. <br /> Subdivision 12: If a member has a capital improvement project designated for a future year, all generated <br /> funds collected as part of an approved capital budget for said project may be held in an account and <br /> designated for the project per MN Statute 103B.241 Subd. 1. <br /> Subdivision 13: If a member has no designated capital improvement projects, all generated funds will be <br /> placed in a general account for use by those members with designated capital improvement projects. <br /> 15 <br />