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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 07 <br /> April 13, 2004 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Councilmember Horst asked where the money for the protected costs for Central Park would <br /> 2 come from the 2005 budget. Mr. Morrison responded money was available in a Park <br /> 3 Maintenance, Tree and Weed Fund, along with the Public Works budget. He noted staff would <br /> 4 be monitoring the park use in the evenings and electric costs would probably be billed to the <br /> 5 street lighting funds within the Public Works budget. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Councilmember Horst stated it was his understanding the cost would be an additional $25,000 <br /> 8 per year. Mr. Morrison agreed. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Councilmember Horst indicated the Public Works and Maintenance budgets did not reflect that <br /> 11 amount, as they only showed an increase of approximately$13,000. Mr. Morrison responded the <br /> 12 $13,000 amount was "thrown in there for discussion purposes." He indicated staff was not sure <br /> 13 of the costs now that the park was open. He added he had been informed the Community <br /> 14 Director was adding a fee for use of the lights when tournaments were held or groups used the <br /> 15 facility. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Mayor Hodson noted the majority of events would be baseball or soccer games and lights would <br /> 18 not be needed until toward the end of the games. Mr. Morrison added he believed there was a <br /> 19 curfew with a timer on the lights; however, he was not sure when that was. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Mayor Hodson asked if any residents wished to address Council regarding this issue. No one <br /> 22 came forward. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Mayor Hodson closed the public hearing at 7:47 p.m. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 VI. GENERAL POLICY BUSINESS OF THE COUNCIL. <br /> 27 A. Agreement with School District for a recreation program. <br /> 28 City Manager Morrison noted this Agreement was between the City and School District for the <br /> 29 operation of recreation programs. He indicated the points to note in the Agreement were as <br /> 30 follows: <br /> 31 1. An Advisory Council would set the direction of Community Services and a City <br /> 32 Councilmember would serve as liaison to the Advisory Council. <br /> 33 2. Community Services would be responsible for the scheduling and administration of the <br /> 34 program. <br /> 35 3. $52,175 per year commencing January 1, 2005, through December 31, 2006, would be <br /> 36 paid to the School District. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Mr. Morrison stated the City had been working on this Agreement with the School District for <br /> 39 almost six months. He explained the School District had been allowed a grandfather levy from <br /> 40 the State for the last 30 years; however, due to budget cuts, the School District no longer had the <br /> 41 ability to levy the $52,175. He added Council was agreeing to provide funding for 2005 and <br /> 42 2006 fiscal years and the School Board would entertain the Agreement the following Tuesday. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Motion by Councilmember Thuesen, seconded by Councilmember Horst, to approve the <br /> 45 Agreement between St. Anthony-New Brighton School District#282 and the City of St. Anthony <br />