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Page 6 <br /> 1 Chair Bergstrom asked Mr. Gleekel about the signage. Mr. Gleekel responded that <br /> 2 certain clients have different expectations on signs and that Hillcrest wants minimum <br /> 3 signage. Gleekel also assured Thomas.that the Preferred Plan was made available to <br /> 4 the public. <br /> 5 Mr. Tankenoff reasserted that Hillcrest not does want to mislead or disappoint the <br /> 6 public. He wants the public to know the worst case scenario as well as the Preferred <br /> 7 Plan and be up front about all aspects of the project. He feels that Hillcrest and <br /> 8 everyone concerned must be clear on what happens if the plan does not work. He feels <br /> 9 that Apache is in its present state because this was not done in the past. <br /> 10 Chair Bergstrom thanked Mr. Gleekel and Mr. Takenoff. Bergstrom then asked for <br /> .11 public input and that it be limited to 5 minutes for each person. <br /> . 12 Allen Otte, 3508 Skycroft, indicated he has read the plan and toured Hillcrest's other <br /> 13 facilities. He feels Hillcrest has done a good job with its other properties. However, <br /> 14 as a trained engineer, he indicated the project needs a firmer plan. He compared this <br /> 15 project to the one Hillcrest did on Stinson and he would not like to see something done <br /> 16 like that project. He said the Preferred Plan is fine, but the Interim Plan is unclear. He <br /> 17 predicted this project would fold in 6 months if issues are not made more definite. He . <br /> t8 felt the Planning Commission should table the Plan and until the City knows the status <br /> 19 of the Met Council's grant. <br /> 20 Perry Thorvig, 3112 Townview, indicated he has been a City Planner for 32 years and <br /> 21 has worked on other Hillcrest properties and that they are very good. He does not want <br /> 22 Exhibit O at all, but Exhibits I, J, and K are fine. He wants the Plan to be much more <br /> 23 detailed. <br /> 24 Raymond Haik, 2901 Silver Lake Terrace, stated he has been an attorney for many <br /> 25 years and is very concerned and apprehensive about the TIF for this project. He <br /> 26 mentioned the $300,000 up front cash payment the City will be required to make; the 9- <br /> 27 1/2% TIF note which runs for 18 years. His other concerns related to the Plan which <br /> 28 he feels is unclear and the timetable from start to end. He stressed this is not a public <br /> 29 improvement and feels the City is in a rush. He added that the TIF should contain a <br /> 30 cap. He reiterated that the City has no certainty of what it is getting. He feels the City <br /> 31 is getting nothing for this project. He quoted a document by the City Finance Director <br /> 32 which said it will be tight getting the $300,000 up front cash and this project should be <br /> 33 deferred. Mr. Haik emphasized that flexibility is uncertainty in this case. Mr. Haik put <br /> 34 forth many questions about the funding for this project and that the Planning <br /> 35 Commission should inform the Council about the risk_. He indicated this issue is US <br /> 36 Bank's problem and that it ought to be tabled. <br /> • <br />