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PL PACKET 08152000
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PL PACKET 08152000
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12/30/2015 7:37:53 PM
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12/30/2015 7:37:35 PM
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PL PACKET 08152000
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• Page 7 <br /> 1 Doug Jones, 2505 Silver Lane, voiced his concerns about storm water runoff. He <br /> 2 stated he could see no dollar amount in either plan conerning this issue. He opined that <br /> 3 Silver Lake looks extremely murky due to run off from places like Apache. He feels the <br /> 4 City should help with this problem and that one way would be to condemn certain <br /> 5 properties for ponding, etc. <br /> 6 Gerald Evans, 2916 Silver Lake Court, is in full agreement with Mr. Haik that the <br /> 7 Planning Commission should take a strong look at spending this kind of money. <br /> 8 Jim McNulty, 2921-33rd Avenue NE, also concurs with Raymond Haik and is worried <br /> .9 that with the present staff, the City will have problems in the future. <br /> 10 Jim Higgins, 2712 St. Anthony Boulevard, has been waiting 16 plus years for <br /> 11 something to happen at Apache. He had many questions about uses, tax base, and <br /> 12 neighbors. He, too, is conerned with TIF and does not want taxes to increase if the <br /> 13 project fails. Mr. Higgins said the Plan should be "cast in stone" beforehand and wants <br /> 14 the Planning Commission to table the project. The Planning Commission, he added, has <br /> 15 never been given the flexibility to plan. <br /> 16 Chair Bergstrom asked if the Hillcrest representatives would respond to the comments. <br /> •17 Scott Tankenoff responded to Mr. Otte's concerns by stating that comparing the Stinson <br /> 18 project with the Apache project is not an appropriate comparison. He explained that <br /> 19 they have done several post-war buildings and Hillcrest has been in business for many <br /> 20 years. He added that building components are only as good as the people who put them <br /> 21 in - Hillcrest buildings last. Mr. Tankenoff offered that Hillcrest's consultants are <br /> 22 available to discuss the Apache project with residents. <br /> 23 Referring to the Met Council Livable Communities grant application, Mr. Takenoff <br /> 24 stated that that program is not tied in with Apache directly and therefore, Hillcrest has <br /> 25 not been waiting for more information on the grant. <br /> 26 Chair Bergstrom asked Mr. Soth to the audience comments concerning TIF <br /> 27 for this project. Bergstrom pointed out that that issue was not in the Planning <br /> 28 Commission's realm, but the Council's, and that the Planning Commission is only <br /> 29 considering the preliminary and final plans and rezoning request at this meeting. <br /> 30 Mr. Soth explained that Jerry Gilligan of Dorsey & Whitney, is handling the TIF for <br /> 31 this project, so he (Mr. Soth) is not familiar with the specifics. He noted that everybody <br /> 32 needs to know that the City is not just handing $4 million in TIF money to the <br /> 33 developer. He also commented that statutory requirements state that the Planning <br /> �4 Commission is to consider the Plan and rezoning for this type of project. <br />
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