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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 25, 2000 <br /> • Page 6 <br /> 1 The primary source of watering entering the home for all applicants was found to be <br /> 2 through the foundation, floor, and walls. Upon review of the problem, it was <br /> 3 recommended that the applicant install basement drain tile systems and/or provide'for <br /> 4 positive drainage away from the walls and foundation of the home. These activities are <br /> 5 currently not funded by the Flood Proofing Grant Program, thus, all of the applications <br /> 6 received in 2000 have not met the qualifying criteria for participation in the program. <br /> 7 4. Silver Lake West Evaluation Report: <br /> 8 Mr. Hubmer directed the Council's attention to Page 82 of the agenda packets, which <br /> 9 depicted a letter dated July 20, 2000 from Mr. Hubmer and reviewed the issue of Silver <br /> 10 Lake. Mr. Hubmer reviewed the letter and noted that WSB & Associates has completed <br /> 11 a review of the Silver Lake West Evaluation Report dated May 11, 2000 and which <br /> 12 report was completed by the Ramsey County Public Works Lake Management Program <br /> 13 in cooperation with the Silver Lake West Homeowner's Association and the Rice Creek <br /> 14 Watershed District. The objectives of the study were to: <br /> 15 * Monitor the inflow to Silver Lake to determine nutrient and water loads <br /> 16 * Measure in-lake water quality during the growing season <br /> 17 * Evaluate lake management activities to improve water quality <br /> 8 - * Facilitate the prioritization and implementation of lake management activities <br /> 19 The Study showed that the water quality of Silver Lake West has improved between <br /> 20 1986-1999. While the water quality of the Lake has generally improved over the past 13 <br /> 21 years,the water quality is still poor. The recommendations to improve the water quality <br /> 22 further include evaluating and implementing Best Management Practices in the <br /> 23 watershed, sweeping streets, public education programs,pond maintenance,evaluating <br /> 24 the use of lakescaping techniques along the shore, and continued monitoring. <br /> 25 Mr. Hubmer noted that the City has one of the best street sweeping programs in the area <br /> 26 which would attribute, in part;to the improved water quality of Silver Lake. <br /> 27 5. 29th Avenue Street Lighting. <br /> 28 Mr. Hubmer wished to briefly address the issue of the 29th Avenue Street Lighting. The <br /> 29 residents in that area met with the Planning Commission at the Commission's last <br /> 30 meeting. It was decided to hold a public forum on August 9, 2000 to obtain additional <br /> 31 input. Additionally,NSP Outdoor Lighting will give a presentation and bring posters and <br /> 32 displays of potential lighting. The residents will have a chance to review lighting and the <br /> 33 consensus will be brought to the Planning Commission,.and then presented to the City <br /> 34 Council. <br /> 35 Mr. Hubmer confirmed that the cables would be buried, and that there would not be <br /> 6 additional overhead utilities generated by the decorative lighting. Thuesen stated that <br />