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PL PACKET 08152000
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City Council Regular Meeting_ Minutes <br /> July 25, 2000 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 the issue of burying the cables should be further discussed and further investigated <br /> 2 . because maintenance of overhead cables might be easier than underground. <br /> 3 6. Hardin S�? treet. <br /> 4 Mr. Hubmer noted that the appraisal process is proceeding regarding the Harding Street <br /> 5 issue. If the project is to proceed this fall, the schedule is running about 2-3 weeks <br /> 6 behind; however, if the project ends up moving to next fall,the current schedule of the <br /> 7 project is sufficient. <br /> 8 Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Hubmer for his input and attendance at the meeting. <br /> 9 X. PUBLIC BEARINGS. <br /> 10 Mayor Cavanaugh opened the public hearing at 8:10 p.m. <br /> 11 A. Amendment to Tax Increment Financing District#3 - Ramsey Counly(Resolution 00- <br /> 12 061 . <br /> 13 City Manager Michael Morrison explained that the City would be considering the elimination of <br /> 14 certain parcels from the existing Apache Plaza tax increment financing district and the <br /> 15 establishment of a new tax increment financing district containing these parcels. <br /> 06 The new tax increment financing district is proposed to include the tax parcels which contain <br /> 17 Apache Plaza Shopping Center, and the adjacent property consisting of the site of the former <br /> 18 New Market Store and the Taco Bell. Since a portion of these parcels is presently included in a <br /> 19 tax increment financing district established by the HRA in 1992 it will be necessary to remove <br /> 20 these parcels from the existing tax increment financing district prior to including them in the new <br /> 21 tax increment financing district. <br /> 22 Attorney Jerry Gilligan recommended as a course of procedure to take public testimony, close <br /> 23 the public hearing, and then the Council should reconsider the proposed Resolution at a later <br /> 24 date in August 2000 in order to resolve some open issues. <br /> . 25 In that respect, Mayor Cavanaugh invited input from the audience through the avenue of the <br /> 26 public hearing. <br /> 27 Mr. Bob Strakota, consultant for Hillcrest Development, approached the Council. Mr. Strakota <br /> 28 explained that the TIF assistance is needed because the property requires significant capital <br /> 29 improvements in order to get the property up to par so that remodeling can take place. The $4 <br /> 30 million of assistance would go into the building structure, and the additional $1 million would go <br /> 31 towards correcting the watershed issue. Additionally, Mr. Strakota noted that there were issues <br /> 32 with Herbergers as well, and the TIF funds would be used to resolve that problem. <br />
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