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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> July 25, 2000 <br /> • Page 8 <br /> 1 Issues surrounding the Herbergers retail store were discussed and the opposition Hillcrest <br /> 2. Development has received with the Herbergers store and-how that opposition relates to the TIF <br /> 3 issue. <br /> 4 Cavanaugh expressed his opinion that the Herbergers issue must be resolved before all of the <br /> 5 issues of Apache Plaza are resolved due to the fact that the TIF funds are involved. <br /> 6 Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Tankenoff and Mr. Strakota for their input. <br /> 7 Raymond Haik, 2901 Silver Lake Court NE, noted that he was present at the meeting to express <br /> 8 a concern that he developed after reading the paper and watching previous Council meetings. <br /> 9 Mr. Haik stated that he was concerned that the City was embarking on a risky investment. -Mr. <br /> 10 Haik further stated that he believed that the City would need to obtain some certainty with the <br /> 11 expenditures and zoning in order to avoid the problems that have been experienced in the past <br /> 12 with the property known as Apache Plaza. Mr. Haik presented different opinions and options <br /> 13 with respect to the potential TIF funding of Apache Plaza. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Attorney Jerry Gilligan responded to many of Mr. Haik's concerns and clarified some of the <br /> �6 issues that are before the Council. <br /> 17 Mayor Cavanaugh noted that he appreciated the comments and concerns that Mr. Haik had <br /> 18 expressed. <br /> 19 Mr. Gilligan noted that the issue at hand was to determine whether a TIF District would be <br /> 20 appropriate. Mr. Gilligan further noted that establishing the TIF District would not denote funds <br /> 21 at this point. <br /> 22 Mr. Tankenoff approached the Council and attempted to allay some of the concerns of Mr. Haik. <br /> 23 Mayor Cavanaugh invited additional input from the audience, and hearing none, closed the <br /> 24 public hearing at 8:55 p.m. <br /> 25 Motion by Horst to table Resolution 00-061 until August 22, 2000. <br /> 26 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> • <br />