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1 rendering he presented and what was shown in the pictures of the Dallas <br /> �2 center which he had also passed around. Mr. DiSanto said: <br /> 3 *the overhang would be completely covered; <br /> 4 *the basic facia color would be a light cream color; <br /> 5 *the blue canvas that goes across the top would remain but the yellow <br /> 6 would be eliminated with only blue facia and blue on the bottom <br /> 7 showing; <br /> 8 *at some time further down the road, he would like to talk Snyder <br /> 9 Bros. into putting a very good looking prescription sign on the wall <br /> 10 between that store and the Fun Center; <br /> 11 *the facia would cover that portion of the upright in that area which <br /> 12 sticks out now and the portion which Commissioners had expressed <br /> 13 concern would be covered up with a color which would blend in with <br /> 14 the colors on the building now; <br /> 15 *the same color scheme would be carried out in the pylon sign as would <br /> 16 be used in the sign band with lettering also to match that for the <br /> 17 stores; <br /> 18 *the signs would be made up with white background and colored letters <br /> 19 and the -pylon sign would be interiorly lit. <br /> 400 Mr. Childs told Mr. DiSanto he would be recommending that if the <br /> 1 directory signage were approved, that sign also be lit from the inside <br /> 22 rather than externally. The response was that although it would cost <br /> 23 more money, that was the way the center representative would also like <br /> 24 to go. <br /> 25 Mr. DiSanto told Chair Wagner the sign band would be five feet in height <br /> 26 but over the Coast to Coast, the band would be taken to seven feet just <br /> 27 to accentuate their being the anchor business in the center. This <br /> 28 would be the only store for which this would be done. The sign channels <br /> 29 themselves would not be changed geometrically, he said. <br /> 30 The Chair told Mr. DiSanto he was concerned about extending the sign <br /> 31 band around the end building tops and perceived it would be very <br /> 32 necessary to get rid of the small signs under the canopy on the walkway. <br /> 33 He said he perceived the buildings' facing would not be changed but the <br /> 34 store fronts would now go from white to stone to brick and different <br /> 35 colors like blue on Schwinn's; white for the sewing center and brick for <br /> 36 Wycoff's and stone for other stores. However, he wondered what was . <br /> 37 going to happen regarding store signs which are now under the canopy. <br /> 38 Mr. DiSanto indicated that his intent was to have only the signs on the <br /> 39 facia, as well as those on the pylon and the directory in the center. <br /> 40 He said he would need City help to enforce the elimination of the <br /> 41 existing wall signs because he perceived by adopting the proposed sign <br /> 7 <br />