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I criteria, all existing signage would automatically become non- <br /> 2 conforming. Commissioner Franzese pointed out that the City had already • <br /> 3 granted variances for the signs on the sides of the Cokesbury and <br /> 4 National Sewing Machine buildings which she already regretted and <br /> 5 wondered whether those variances could be overridden. Mr. DiSanto he <br /> 6 might seek further financing for extending the sign band around the <br /> 7 buildings to include that signage if that became a problem. <br /> 8 Mr. DiSanto said he wouldn't like to see large letters go up on the side <br /> 9 of those buildings, but would consider those options if the City wanted <br /> 10 him to. Commissioner Franzese indicated she perceived a "cleaner look" <br /> 11 would result from not having that signage at all. Mr. Childs said he <br /> 12 would talk the matter over with the City Attorney but thought that if <br /> 13 the City granted the new signage for the center because there is a <br /> 14 single ownership of that center, those previous variances would not <br /> 15 maintain their standing. He suggested one of the conditions for <br /> 16 approving the directory and pylon signs be that all resultant non- <br /> 17 conforming signs to the sign criteria must be removed, including all the <br /> 18 wall signs. He then suggested the Commissioners recommend a time limit <br /> 19 be imposed on. the temporary signage being proposed by the center owners <br /> 20 under which, if the tenant opts for not buying new signage which is- in <br /> 21 conformance with the sign criteria, they not be allowed to put up <br /> 22 signage after a set time. <br /> 23 Mr. DiSanto confirmed that the owners would be paying for the directory <br /> 24 and the pylon and would be making space as available to those tenants <br /> 25 who want to be featured on either sign. That signage would also have <br /> 26 to conform with the overall signage for the center, he told Commissioner • <br /> 27 Franzese. He confirmed that the three empty lines in the pylon <br /> 28 rendering duplicated space the center Merchants Association reserved on <br /> 29 the existing pylon to promote activities like sidewalk sales, etc. in <br /> 30 the center. He also indicated that of course there wouldn't be adequate <br /> 31 room on either the pylon or directory for all 25 tenants in the center <br /> 32 now, most of whom probably wouldn't want to pay what it would cost to <br /> 33 have their names on either sign. <br /> 34 Mr. Gosswiller indicated he perceived it would be essential for the <br /> 35 directory to identify the center specifically. Mr. DiSanto indicated <br /> 36 his intent had been to utilize the upper panels for that purpose with <br /> 37 the rest of the space reserved for those tenants who want to be on the <br /> 38 same sign. The Coast to Coast Manager indicated the market survey his <br /> 39 company had taken of the area had indicated that anywhere from 60% to <br /> 40 80% of the center traffic comes from Kenzie Terrace, which made him <br /> 41 applaud the request for the directory sign which he perceived should <br /> 42 identify the center. <br /> 43 Mr. DiSanto confirmed that it was the owners' intent to get all the <br /> 44 store owners to agree to maintain the same hours for sign lighting and <br /> 45 said he would be willing to put that proposal into written form if that <br /> 46 was what the City wanted. He also said there might be one or two other <br /> 47 colors allowed for signs other than the red, blue, green and orange <br /> 48 specified in the sign criteria. He told Commissioner. Madden he was <br /> 8 <br />