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I Planning Commission Meeting <br /> 2 December 15, 1992 <br /> 3 Page Eight • <br /> 4 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Chair Faust indicated he perceived the City had a lot of 66 foot lots and he thought the <br /> 8 Conunission needed to find out how many potential problems the City nuglit have. There was <br /> 9 a discussion of the ten foot lot behind the Clark station which the neighbors on Roosevelt had <br /> 10 bought. Mr. Soth indicated that if that lot carne into single ownership the City could have an <br /> 11 ordinance saying it can't ever be separated again. However, before going through that <br /> 12 procedure the City Attorney indicated lie would want to know whether the City really had a <br /> 13 problem because such an ordinance might only'create problems for your 66 foot lot owners <br /> 14 unless you made an exception for 66 foot lots. He said lie didn't think the City would want to <br /> 15 create a situation where all the owners of 66 foot lots would forever have to hold two such lots <br /> 16 together and could never separate them. The Chair indicated he perceived the Commission <br /> 17 should wait to find out whether the City had a problem and then go on from there. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Mr. Soth told the Commissioners they should have a new code to deal with before the <br /> 20 beginning of the New Year which would be in operation as soon as it is published. He said it <br /> 21 would be much easier to update than the old code. Mr. Urbia indicated the old books would <br /> 22 be replaced and every time an ordinance is passed it will all be on the computer and staff will <br /> 23 just redo that page for the Commissions to slip into their copies of the City Ordinances. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Chair Faust told Mr. Soth the Commissioners appreciated his taking the time to speak to them <br /> 26 that evening. He asked the City Attorney to feel free to let the Commission know if there is <br /> 27 anything he perceives they need guidance on. Mr. Soth agreed saying he perceived the <br /> 28 hardest thing for a Planning Commission or a City Council to deal with he found was getting <br /> 29 the reasons for their actions into the minutes so everybody knows why they granted or denied <br /> 30 something. He said 99 tunes out of 100 it is no problem because no one bothers to check. <br /> 31 However, if somebody challenges your actions and those reasons are not in the minutes, <br /> 32 "we're dead in court". The Chair asked that if he ever saw where the Conunissioners could <br /> 33 improve on what they are doing, the City Attorney let them know because that way the <br /> 34 Commissioners would get in the habit of stating clearly the reasons for recommending <br /> 35 Council action. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 VIII. COMIVIISSIONERS'COM1VI WS <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Madden asked Mr. Urbia to bring the Commission up-to-date on Cub Food <br /> 40 going into Apache. The Management Assistant indicated it was al.l up to Cub at this point. <br /> 41 However, he said he hoped the project could be finalized before the Legislature moves on tax <br /> 42 increment projects. Chair Faust indicated he would appreciate being alerted if it appears <br /> 43 legislation is going against tax increment financing so he and anyone else on the Commission <br /> 44 who wishes to do can lobby against any change. Mr. Urbia conunented that the argument that <br /> 45 tax increment financing somehow takes away from the schools would certainly not be valid in <br /> 46 relation to Apache which is in danger of closing. <br /> 47. <br /> 48 Conrunissioner Werenicz was concerned about the fence around the property at 37th and Silver <br /> 49 Lake Road which had gone up since the Commission had indicated its opposition to it during <br /> 50 a concept review. Mr. Urbia said the owner's wife had promised they would only go four feet <br /> 51 high in front and six feet to the rear and side which is legal and which they did. The fence <br /> 52 was the concern of several other comriussioners as well. <br />