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I Planning Commission Meeting <br /> 2 December 15, 1992 <br /> 3 Page Nine <br /> 4 <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 The Management Assistant told Commissioner Thompson the Realtor at 39th and Silver Lake <br /> 8 Road is moving to a location behind the Stop-N-Sliop. The location they vacated and the <br /> 9 property where the house has been moved off are being considered for a dentist office <br /> 10 building which would utilize both properties. They City is looking at a proposal for another <br /> 11 tax increment redevelopment project proposal and the numbers so far are looking good. <br /> 12 Preliminary plans indicate parking would be no problem and the proposed building appears to <br /> 13 be very satisfactory. Mr. Urbia commented that a dentist office should be more acceptable to <br /> 14 the adjoining residential neighborhood because dentist offices usually close at night. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Chair Faust reported he had noticed on page'I 1 of the November 10th Council minutes that it <br /> 17 had been reported the Planning Commission had held a public hearing on the <br /> 18 recommendations from the Road Task Force.-Conmissioner Madden agreed that the report <br /> 19 from the Task Force Chair had only been listed under Miscellaneous in the November 17 <br /> 20 Planning Commission agenda. The Management Assistant concurred saying it was the first <br /> 21 chance for the pubic to hear the report but it certainly hadn't been a fonual public hearing per <br /> 22 se. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Chair Faust indicated he wanted to bring up an issue which came up during both Council and <br /> 25 Planning Commission meetings as recorded in those minutes. He said lie was referring to <br /> 26 remarks-which were reported as "off the record", admitting he had been as guilty as anyone of <br /> 27 using that ploy. The Chair observed that if the meeting were telecast there would be no way <br /> 8 of turning the camera off and he believed the secretary should not be asked to turn off the tape <br /> 9 recorder either. Chair Faust suggested it might be more appropriate to either-recess or adjourn <br /> 30 the meeting for remarks which are not intended to be made public. Commissioner Madden <br /> 31 pointed out that he recalled the last time lie had requested a recess the Chair had not granted <br /> 32 his request. He said the conversation had 'involved a discussion with a Sports Booster who <br /> 33 wanted to talk about improvements in the sports area of Central Park for which he had <br /> 34 requested a five minute recess. Chair Faust said he couldn't recall the incident but wanted to <br /> 35 apologize if he had turned down that request. The Chair went on to say it was his personal <br /> 36 opinion that anything said during a Con nnission meeting should be made public. Chair Faust <br /> 37 said this had become an integrity issue for him for which he wished to chastise himself and to <br /> 38 recommend the practice be avoided. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 The Commissioners were reminded that the election of officers would be held at the first <br /> 41 Commission meeting in January. The Chair then extended his wishes for a Happy New Year <br /> 42 to all present. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Before the meeting was closed,Mr. Urbia thanked the Commissioners for bringing the lack of <br /> 45 landscaping around the Stop-N-Shop mall sign to his attention. He indicated hie might be <br /> 46 bringing the issue of what materials could be used in this area to the Council since the newest <br /> 47 trend in recycling calls for using woodchips instead of rock which just kills anything <br /> 48 underneath. He also said he thought chips were more attractive looking than rock and pointed <br /> 49 out that using them would create a market for the City's woodchips. Commissioner Madden <br /> 50 agreed that woodchips look beautiful when you first put them out but said they look terrible <br /> 51 after three or four months. He also mentioned that woodchip cover seems to encourage the <br /> 52 breeding of little bugs. The Management Assistant said he perceived the trick was to cover <br /> 53 the chips when it rained so they would decompose naturally and could be replaced. <br /> &4 Conunissioner Madden pointed out that the City Ordinance did not allow the use of <br /> 55 woodchips for landscaping around signs. The Management Assistant indicated he wanted to <br /> 56 get the Council perspective on the issue nevertheless. <br />