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Planning Commission Bylaws Draft #4, November 18, 1992 <br /> CITY OF ST. ANTHONY PLANNING COMMISSION BY-LAWS <br /> • 1. A schedule of meeting dates shall be established and may be <br /> changed or altered at any regularly scheduled meeting. One <br /> regular meeting date is established each month on the third <br /> Tuesday at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. <br /> 2 . Additional meetings may be held at any time upon the call of <br /> the chair or by a majority of the voting members of the <br /> commission or upon request of the City Council following at <br /> least twenty-four hours notice to each member of the <br /> commission. <br /> 3 . The commission at its first regular meeting in January of each <br /> year shall elect a chair and vice-chair. <br /> 4. The duties and powers of the officers of the Planning <br /> Commission shall be as follows: <br /> A. Chair: <br /> (1) Preside at all meetings of the commission. <br /> (2) Call, amend, or cancel meetings of the commission <br /> in accordance with the by-laws. <br /> (3) Review agenda before scheduled meeting with staff. <br /> B. Vice-chair: <br /> During the absence, disability, or disqualification of <br /> • the chair, the vice-chair shall exercise or perform all <br /> the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of <br /> the chair. <br /> C. Recording secretary: <br /> Appointed by the City Manager to record the proceedings <br /> of all meetings. <br /> 5. Matters referred to the commission by the City Council shall <br /> be placed on the calendar for consideration and action at the <br /> first meeting of the commission after such reference. <br /> 6. Four members of the commission shall constitute a quorum for <br /> the transaction of business. <br /> 7 . Reconsideration of any decision of the commission may be had <br /> when the interested party for such reconsideration makes a <br /> showing - satisfactory to the chair and/or City Manager - that <br /> without fault on the part of such party essential facts were <br /> not brought to the attention of the commission. <br /> 8. Roberts Rules of Order are hereby adopted for the government <br /> of the commission in all cases not otherwise provided for in <br /> these rules. These rules may be amended at any meeting by a <br /> vote of the majority of the entire membership of the <br /> • commission, and City Council approval, provided five (5) days' <br /> notice has been given to each member of the commission. <br /> PAGE 1 <br />