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Planning Commission Bylaws Draft #4, November 18, 1992 <br /> 9. Deadline for Agenda: Deadline for filing for placement on the <br /> agenda for applications of any planning related issue shall be <br /> exactly one month prior to the meeting the applicant desires <br /> to be heard. <br /> 10. Order of Consideration of Agenda Items: <br /> The following procedure will normally be observed; however, it <br /> may be rearranged by the chair for individual items if <br /> necessary for the expeditious conduct of business: <br /> (1) Staff presents report and makes recommendation. <br /> (2) The Planning Commission may ask questions regarding the <br /> staff presentation and report. <br /> (3) Proponents of the agenda items make presentation. <br /> (4) Any opponents make presentations. <br /> (5) Applicant makes rebuttal of any points not previously <br /> covered. <br /> (6) Planning Commission asks any questions it may have of the <br /> proponents, opponents, or staff, and then takes action. <br /> 11. Any member of the Planning Commission who shall feel that <br /> he/she has a conflict of interest on any matter that is on the <br /> Planning Commission agenda shall voluntarily excuse <br /> himself/herself, vacate his/her seat, and refrain from <br /> discussing and voting on said items as a Planning <br /> Commissioner. <br /> 12 . Each member of the Planning Commission who has knowledge of <br /> the fact that he/she will not be able to attend a scheduled <br /> meeting of the Planning Commission shall notify the City <br /> Manager at the earliest possible opportunity and, in any <br /> event, prior to 4 : 30 P.M. on the date of the meeting. The <br /> City Manager shall notify the chair of the commission in the <br /> event that the projected absences will produce a lack of <br /> quorum. <br /> 13 . The chair shall be an ex officio member of all committees, <br /> with voice but no vote. <br /> 14 . The vice-chair shall succeed the chair if he/she vacates <br /> his/her office before his/her term is - completed, the vice- <br /> chair to serve the unexpired term of the vacated office. A <br /> new vice-chair shall be elected at the next regular meeting. <br /> 15. The by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Planning <br /> Commission by.a quorum of the commission, provided that notice <br /> of said proposed amendment is given to each member in writing <br /> at least two weeks prior to said meeting. In addition, any <br /> amendment to the Planning Commission by-laws must be approved <br /> by the City Council. <br /> PAGE 2 <br />