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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> Page 6 • <br /> 1 6. Construct swale along Silver Lake Road as engineered by RCWD. Future <br /> 2 development to meet RCWD water management standard. <br /> 3 7. Pond #1 Many alternatives not examined including, but not limited to, <br /> 4 passive use of RR right away, swale connection with pond #2, adaptive use <br /> 5 of parking lot for storm water storage, etc. Please propose increased ponding <br /> 6 capacity approaching NURP Standards ( meet a I" pond standard between <br /> 7 Pond #1 and Pond #2 ). Additional development other than increase by CUB <br /> 8 to 88,000 square feet in this watershed will require ponding to RCWD <br /> 9 standards. (The passive use of RR right away gets us closer to NURP <br /> 10 standards). <br /> 11 8. Pond#3. Construct a pond that meets a 2" standard. <br /> 12 9. Maintain all ponds when 25% full or sooner. <br /> 13 10. Silver Lake Homeowners will construct a demonstration shoreline <br /> 14 management project on Silver Lake and encourage all residents, the Silver <br /> 15 Lake Salvation Army Camp and the City of Columbia Heights to participate <br /> 16 and adopt Best Management Practices. <br /> 17 11. St. Anthony Village will encourage Hardee's, Goodyear and the new muffler <br /> 18 shop to design their storm water run off to flow thru weir prior to entering the <br /> 19 Silver Lake storm sewer and to use BMP where feasible (especially when the <br /> 20 city is granting a permit). <br /> 21 Ranallo reported that the city staff and developers have been studying these items <br /> 22 to see which items are acceptable by all parties. The petition is still in place. He <br /> 23 reported that there had been a meeting scheduled between the involved parties but <br /> 24 it was cancelled when the list of 11 items was received as there was not enough <br /> 25 time for all of the parties to investigate the items properly. Another meeting has <br /> 26 not been set at this time. He reported of a meeting held last Thursday. City staff, <br /> 27 City Manager Mornson, Mayor Ranallo, Rice Creek Watershed District, their <br /> 28 directors and two attorneys, and Mr. Cavanaugh and his attorney were in <br /> 29 attendance. This meeting was to resolve issues and ask the Watershed District to <br /> 30 fund some of the items. Rice Creek Watershed staff did not recommend that the <br /> 31 Watershed do so. <br /> 32 Ronny Bergquist, owner of the Bookstore at Apache Plaza asked what type of a <br /> 33 delay this petition and resulting action could impose on the project. <br /> 34 Mayor Ranallo stated that it could take up to 90 days and cost$40,000 to $50,000, <br /> 35 if the city is required to do the EAW. He stated that the city does have the right to <br /> 36 deny the petition at the recommendation of the City Attorney. The City Attorney <br /> 37 and C. G. Rein are looking into this possibility. <br />