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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> November 22, 1994 <br /> • Page 7 <br /> 1 City Attorney Soth reported that he needed to receive the appropriate paperwork <br /> 2 from the Engineering Attorney of Apache Plaza. If Apache does not require the <br /> 3 EAW, they need to show evidence of this. <br /> 4 Marks expressed that the city as a whole wants the project. He stated that it <br /> 5 would greatly improve not only the community, but also the city taxes, and the <br /> 6 school district. He feels that the school district and Apache Plaza are the two <br /> 7 anchors in St. Anthony. The referendum for the school district was not passed <br /> 8 and Apache Plaza is failing. He stated that the project was not only necessary for <br /> 9 financial reasons, but also for environmental reasons. He stated that the holding <br /> 10 ponds have always been an important part of the development but that there also <br /> 11 must be balance. The Tax Increment Funding has been found and the City <br /> 12 Ordinances have been met. He wondered how far the city had to go to get the <br /> 13 project. He stated that the City of St. Anthony needs to get this project. <br /> 14 Ranallo reported that the Rice Creek Watershed meets tomorrow night but they <br /> 15 have to table the discussion regarding this issue, as they will not have all the <br /> 16 necessary information before them. There is a special city council meeting <br /> 17 scheduled for November 29 at 6:30 P.M. to discuss the EAW. The Rice Creek <br /> �8 Watershed District will then meet on November 30th to discuss the issues. <br /> 19 Fleming stated that the city has to all pull together for this project. She <br /> 20 questioned how the city can all pull together now if there is a petition filed that is <br /> 21 stopping the project. <br /> 22 Wagner stated that the city has demonstrated their interest in cleaning up Silver <br /> 23 Lake even before there was a proposed addition of CUB Foods and Knox at <br /> 24 Apache Plaza. They have now committed Tax Increment Financing in the amount <br /> 25 of$250,000. He feels the city is making a huge effort in this project. <br /> 26 Ranallo reported that they will be holding the special council meeting November <br /> 27 29th and asking the city attorney to get all the necessary information by that date. <br /> 28 The city will try to work with the people who live on Silver Lake, to get the <br /> 29 petition withdrawn and if this is not possible,they will be forced to go the legal <br /> 30 route. He reported that only 23 of the 50 households, who live on the lake signed <br /> 31 the petition. <br /> 32 City Attorney Soth stated that the 11 points submitted by the Silver Lake <br /> 33 Homeowners Association were not all directly involved with the Apache <br /> 34 Plaza development project. He stated that the project should not be held <br /> 5 hostage to the issues that were not directly related to it. The only items <br />